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var data=[
{"label": "buildIndicesORF (YAL_CDS_w_250)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312326377, "ending_time": 1585312326458, "color":c1(0)}, {"starting_time": 1585312326458, "ending_time": 1585312327235, "color":c2(0), "label": "1.1s \/ 3.1 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312327235, "ending_time": 1585312327445, "color":c1(0)}]},
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{"label": "buildIndicesrRNA (yeast_rRNA)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312326397, "ending_time": 1585312326465, "color":c1(2)}, {"starting_time": 1585312326465, "ending_time": 1585312327153, "color":c2(2), "label": "915ms \/ 3.1 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312327153, "ending_time": 1585312327312, "color":c1(2)}]},
{"label": "cutAdapters (WTnone)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312326404, "ending_time": 1585312326467, "color":c1(1)}, {"starting_time": 1585312326467, "ending_time": 1585312335214, "color":c2(1), "label": "9.1s \/ 176.5 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312335214, "ending_time": 1585312335494, "color":c1(1)}]},
{"label": "hisat2rRNA (WTnone)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312335571, "ending_time": 1585312335595, "color":c1(3)}, {"starting_time": 1585312335595, "ending_time": 1585312343502, "color":c2(3), "label": "8.5s \/ 24.1 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312343502, "ending_time": 1585312344078, "color":c1(3)}]},
{"label": "hisat2rRNA (WT3AT)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312337530, "ending_time": 1585312337598, "color":c1(3)}, {"starting_time": 1585312337598, "ending_time": 1585312349333, "color":c2(3), "label": "11.8s \/ 24.3 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312349333, "ending_time": 1585312349367, "color":c1(3)}]},
{"label": "hisat2ORF (WTnone)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312344110, "ending_time": 1585312344179, "color":c1(4)}, {"starting_time": 1585312344179, "ending_time": 1585312346904, "color":c2(4), "label": "2.9s \/ 25.1 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312346904, "ending_time": 1585312347056, "color":c1(4)}]},
{"label": "trim5pMismatches (WTnone)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312347106, "ending_time": 1585312347157, "color":c1(5)}, {"starting_time": 1585312347157, "ending_time": 1585312347822, "color":c2(5), "label": "764ms \/ 36.2 MB"}, {"starting_time": 1585312347822, "ending_time": 1585312347870, "color":c1(5)}]},
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{"label": "trim5pMismatches (WT3AT)", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312351368, "ending_time": 1585312351458, "color":c1(5)}, {"starting_time": 1585312351458, "ending_time": 1585312351934, "color":c2(5), "label": "515ms \/ 17.9 MB"}]},
{"label": "summarise", "times": [{"starting_time": 1585312351916, "ending_time": 1585312351984, "color":c1(6)}, {"starting_time": 1585312351984, "ending_time": 1585312351990, "color":c2(6), "label": "99ms \/ 0"}, {"starting_time": 1585312351990, "ending_time": 1585312352015, "color":c1(6)}]}
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<h3>Processes execution timeline</h3>
Launch time: <span id='label_launch'> </span><br>
Elapsed time: <span id='label_elapsed'> </span><br>
Legend: job wall time / memory usage (RAM) <span id='label_legend'> </span>
<div id="timeline"></div>
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Created with Nextflow -- <a href='http://www.nextflow.io' target='_blank'>http://nextflow.io</a>
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