digraph {
graph [nojustify=true] [labeljust=l]
invisiblestart [label = ""] [color=white] [group=lifecycle];
node [color=black] [fillcolor=white] [style=filled] [shape=box] [nojustify=true];
uncommitted [label = "container request:\l state=Uncommitted\l"] [fillcolor=lightgrey] [group=lifecycle];
committed [label = "container request:\l state=Committed\l priority>0\l"] [group=lifecycle];
reused [label = "container request:\l state=Final\lcontainer:\l state=Complete\l(reused existing container)\l"] [fillcolor=lightblue] [group=endstate];
invisiblestart -> uncommitted [label = " user creates container request\l"] [color=navy] [fontcolor=navy];
uncommitted -> committed [label = " user updates to\l state=Committed, priority>0\l"] [color=navy] [fontcolor=navy];
queued [label = "container request:\l state=Committed\l priority>0\lcontainer:\l state=Queued\l"] [group=lifecycle];
committed -> queued [label = " Arvados creates a new container\l"];
locked [label = "container request:\l state=Committed\l priority>0\lcontainer:\l state=Locked\l"] [group=lifecycle];
latecancelled [label = "container request:\l state=Final\lcontainer:\l state=Cancelled\l"] [fillcolor=lightblue] [group=endstate];
queued -> locked [label = " Arvados is ready to dispatch the container\l"];
running [label = "container request:\l state=Committed\l priority>0\lcontainer:\l state=Running\l"] [group=lifecycle];
locked -> running [label = " Arvados starts the container process\l"];
node [color=black] [fillcolor=lightblue] [style=filled] [shape=box];
containerfinished [label = "container request:\l state=Final\lcontainer:\l state=Complete\l exit_code=0\l"] [group=lifecycle];
containerfailed [label = "container request:\l state=Final\lcontainer:\l state=Complete\l exit_code≠0\l"] [group=endstate];
committed -> reused [label = "Arvados selects an existing container"] [constraint=false];
queued -> latecancelled [label = "user updates to priority=0"] [color=navy] [fontcolor=navy];
locked -> latecancelled [label = "user updates to priority=0"] [color=navy] [fontcolor=navy] [constraint=false];
running -> latecancelled [label = "user updates to priority=0"] [color=navy] [fontcolor=navy] [constraint=false];
running -> containerfailed [label = "container process fails"];
running -> containerfinished [label = " container process succeeds\l"];
# layout hacks
// committed -> containerfinished [style=invis];
// uncommitted -> latecancelled [style=invis];
reused -> latecancelled [style=invis];
latecancelled -> containerfailed [style=invis];