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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Hours
22415 Arvados Bug New Normal Java SDK fails to build on Debian 12 12/20/2024 05:34 PM Actions
22414 Arvados Bug New Normal MaxConcurrentRailsRequests default is too small 12/20/2024 03:30 PM Actions
22413 Arvados Bug New Normal MaxConcurrentRailsRequests default is too small 12/20/2024 03:24 PM Actions
22411 Arvados Bug New Normal keepstore index API should be exempt from default 5m request timeout Tom Clegg 12/19/2024 04:29 PM Actions
22410 Arvados Task In Progress Normal Review 20605-singularity-cache-race Peter Amstutz 12/20/2024 05:21 AM Actions
22407 Arvados Bug New Normal arvadosclient tests can fail if RailsAPI errors include backtrace info 12/17/2024 09:31 PM Actions
22406 Arvados Bug New Normal Tests build arvados-server, run it in debian:11 container, assume too much glibc compatibility 12/17/2024 09:19 PM Actions
22402 Arvados Bug New Normal arvados-dispatch-cloud should log warnings when cloud API calls are slow Tom Clegg 12/16/2024 06:18 PM Actions
22401 Arvados Bug New Normal crunch-run --list (with no additional args) should not read from stdin Tom Clegg 12/16/2024 08:12 PM Actions
22398 Arvados Support New Normal Fix redmine styling when window width is below 1090px 12/13/2024 05:06 PM Actions
22395 Arvados Bug New Normal Trashing collections reported to be slow 12/12/2024 09:12 PM Actions
22394 Arvados Idea New Normal Show counts in tab title or hide workflows tab entirely when there are no workflows in a project 12/12/2024 02:57 PM Actions
22391 Arvados Bug New Normal Standardize systemd service handling 12/11/2024 04:43 PM Actions
22390 Arvados Epics Idea New Normal drop-in replacement for 'arv' command written in Go 12/11/2024 05:01 PM Actions
22381 Arvados Bug New Normal Replace redux-form 12/04/2024 09:15 PM Actions
22380 Arvados Bug New Normal Replace react-router-redux 12/04/2024 08:44 PM Actions
22379 Arvados Bug New Normal Refactor Virtualized lists 12/04/2024 08:25 PM Actions
22376 Arvados Task New Normal Sasha to update _DMARC 12/04/2024 04:51 PM Actions
22375 Arvados Task New Normal group review 12/04/2024 04:49 PM Actions
22374 Arvados Task New Normal group review 12/04/2024 04:48 PM Actions
22373 Arvados Task New Normal Review Brett Smith 12/04/2024 04:51 PM Actions
22372 Arvados Task New Normal engineering review 12/05/2024 04:30 PM Actions
22370 Arvados Support New Normal Rework how development and testing/release package versions are determined in the source tree Peter Amstutz 12/16/2024 09:21 PM Actions
22362 Arvados Task In Progress Normal Review 22349-deploy-bundle-passenger Brett Smith 12/12/2024 03:43 PM Actions
22361 Arvados Bug New Normal Initial load of workflow picker (run workflow) is slow 12/09/2024 04:52 PM Actions
(1-25/1960) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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