Bug #10969
closedarv keep docker to check for valid Docker image and version
Add list of supported Docker image format versions to API server discovery document.
arv keep docker to check API server versions and fail if the on-disk format of uploaded image is incompatible.
Updated by Tom Morris about 8 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Story points set to 1.0
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
- Category set to Docker
- Assigned To set to Tom Clegg
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
The two relevant formats are "image manifest V 2, schema 1" and "image manifest V 2, schema 2". We could label those "v2s1" and "v2s2".
Proposed addition to source:services/api/config/application.default.yml:
# List of supported docker image formats that compute nodes are able
# to run. `arv keep docker` will error out if a user tries to store
# an image with an unsupported format. With the default value (an
# empty array), `arv keep docker` will skip the compatibility check
# and display a warning message to that effect.
# Example for sites running docker < 1.10:
# ["v2s1"]
# Example for sites running docker >= 1.10:
# ["v2s2"]
docker_image_formats: []
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 8 years ago
The addition looks fine, and the specification of format as well.
I think the default should be v2s2, not empty. And we should add a note to the migration wiki page for people who are upgrading.
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
Hm. Looks like "registry v1" to "registry v2" is the change we're dealing with here, not manifest format. New version:
# List of supported Docker Registry image formats that compute nodes
# are able to use. `arv keep docker` will error out if a user tries
# to store an image with an unsupported format. Use an empty array
# to skip the compatibility check (and display a warning message to
# that effect).
# Example for sites running docker < 1.10: ["v1"]
# Example for sites running docker >= 1.10: ["v2"]
# Example for disabling check: []
docker_image_formats: ["v2"]
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
10969-check-docker-format @ d02bf4d817e50c3c0ee9f5e2dd901c512ea30943
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:74a9decf66adc216d3d8bbb7ee8f6e3704d9590d.