Bug #11222
openDocker load time on compute node is too long
Story points:
Release relationship:
using a-c-r --local, it took 10 minutes to load a 3GB Docker image
2017-03-07_20:59:33 e51c5-8i9sb-th04z0sonfpxwma 59269 stderr starting: ['srun','--nodelist=compute1','/bin/bash','-o','pipefail','-ec',' if /usr/bin/ images -q --no-trunc --all | grep -xF 9df946de46be6418fa9b82e906981677b24ea3206bc7561c517d1a7dbdbeebca >/dev/null; then exit 0 fi declare -a exit_codes=("${PIPESTATUS[@]}") if [ 0 != "${exit_codes[0]}" ]; then exit "${exit_codes[0]}" # `docker images` failed elif [ 1 != "${exit_codes[1]}" ]; then exit "${exit_codes[1]}" # `grep` encountered an error else # Everything worked fine, but grep didn\'t find the image on this host. arv-get 62925a53810ef8a5d57b54e49f6628c4\\+2058\\/9df946de46be6418fa9b82e906981677b24ea3206bc7561c517d1a7dbdbeebca\\.tar | /usr/bin/ load fi '] 2017-03-07_21:09:03 e51c5-8i9sb-th04z0sonfpxwma 59269 load docker image: exit 0
I don't really have an idea for a long term fix, but I think having the compute nodes up for ~ 15 minutes instead of shutting them down immediately would really help since the docker image would already be loaded on it.