



Idea #11876


[R SDK] Create a Bioconductor/R SDK

Added by Tom Morris over 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Assigned To:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
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As an R programmer I'd like to have the ability to query the Arvados APIs directly from R using a package which integrates well with and is published with the rest of the Bioconductor packages. The SDK should ideally allow me to do everything a Python programmer can do using the Python SDK.

As a first step, the R SDK should allow me to allow to find collections and files in Keep using filtering on metadata, load the files into R, process them and then write the results back to a collection.

As an optional second stage, it'd be useful to be able to submit CWL jobs and monitor their progress.

The SDK should work on Windows, OS X, and Linux, which implies that depending on arv-mount for file reading and writing is not an acceptable option. Instead, we will use the webdav support in keep-web. Read-only support is already available (completed in issue #12216). Write support is forthcoming, see issue #12483.

A potential supporting component might be googleAuthR which could be used in a similar way to googleComputeEngineR and other packages which are layered on it. googleAuthR can be used for API generation and response parsing, but needs to be reworked to not assume Google authentication or endpoints. Instead of the OAuth2 dance, it needs to be able to use an API token.

This code snippet will generate an entire R stub package using googleAuthR:

req <- httr::RETRY("GET", url)
content <- httr::content(req,as="text")
api_description <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)
paste("Loaded API description ", api_description$name, api_description$version)

"Generating API skeleton" 
gar_create_api_objects(filename = "arvados_objects.R",api_json = api_description)
gar_create_api_skeleton('arvados_functions.R', api_description, format=TRUE)
"API Generation complete" 

# Make sure we can load our newly generated code

# Generate the whole package at once
gar_create_package(api_description, '/tmp/aRv', rstudio = TRUE, check = TRUE, github = FALSE)

There gar_create_package call does the whole thing including man pages, README, etc, but the gar_create_api_objects and gar_create_api_skeleton, can be used to just do a part of the process.

The generator assumes the context of a Google API, so has a bunch of built-in assumptions that need to be cleaned up. Below is a non-exaustive list:
  • authentication - switch from Google auth to Arvados token based authentication, remove/fix all references to googleAuthR::gar_auth() and Google API scopes
  • fixed base URL - in the above example is hardwired into the API. This needs to be configurable by the caller.
  • man page generation - there's a bunch of warnings due formatting in the docs
  • Bioconductor packaging, types, conventions,tests - the core generator targets CRAN tests. This may need to be extended for Bioconductor
  • LICENSE & AUTHOR - these are wrong need to figure out where their contents come from
Arvados specific things to pay attention to:
  • URL encoding of JSON in query string
  • Arvados objects - Collections - manifest parsing, updating, etc.
  • WebDAV client to Arvados WebDAV server (depends
  • Remove unused / disabled APIs e.g. Crunch1
  • Add Jenkins CI job

It is desirable that changes to the code generator be done in such as way that they can be adopted by the upstream project as parameterizable options, but it's not mandatory.

There are also additional things which need to be added:
  • tests
  • vignettes/examples

Some hints on testing and other advanced API topics are here:

There are two relevant packages, SevenBridges "sevenbridges" and Illumina's "BaseSpaceR", which could be used to compare against or as sources for code (they are both Apache licensed).


arvados_objects.R (58.2 KB) arvados_objects.R Autogenerated R objects Tom Morris, 11/07/2017 03:11 PM
arvados_functions.R (263 KB) arvados_functions.R Autogenerated R functions Tom Morris, 11/07/2017 03:11 PM

Subtasks 2 (0 open2 closed)

Task #12643: ReviewResolvedPeter Amstutz06/20/2017Actions
Task #13033: Integrate into run-test.shResolvedPeter Amstutz06/20/2017Actions

Related issues 5 (1 open4 closed)

Related to Arvados - Feature #12216: [keep-web] machine-readable file listingsResolvedTom Clegg10/11/2017Actions
Related to Arvados - Feature #12483: [keep-web] writable webdavResolvedTom Clegg10/25/2017Actions
Related to Arvados - Idea #12706: [SDK] R SDK support for CollectionsResolvedFuad Muhic01/17/2018Actions
Related to Arvados - Idea #13391: Get R SDK into BioconductorDuplicateTom MorrisActions
Blocks Arvados - Idea #13077: R SDK submit to BioconductorNewActions
Actions #1

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assigned To set to Radhika Chippada

Radhika - please research and refine

Actions #3

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assigned To changed from Radhika Chippada to Tom Morris
Actions #4

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #5

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #6

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

Actions #8

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #10

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago

Here's an example curl line to get collection contents via WebDAV:

curl -v -X PROPFIND -H "Authorization: OAuth2 4invqy35tf70t7hmvdc83ges8ug9cklhgqq1l8gj2cjn18teuq"
Actions #11

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2017-12-06 Sprint
Actions #12

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Assigned To changed from Tom Morris to Peter Amstutz
Actions #13

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago

  • Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Fuad Muhic
Actions #14

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago

Hi Fuad:

I've created a branch for the R sdk work. The code should go in arvados/sdk/R


git clone
git checkout --track -b 11876-r-sdk origin/11876-r-sdk

Please use "git push" to synchronize your changes daily.

Your commit messages will need a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO), that means the commit message needs to contain this line:

Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Fuad Muhic <>
Actions #15

Updated by Tom Morris over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #16

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago

  • Related to Idea #12706: [SDK] R SDK support for Collections added
Actions #17

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 7 years ago


Please put the "DCO" line after the main commit message, othewise it clutters up the commit log.

Actions #18

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago


In order to find the keep-web (WebDAV) server for a cluster, you will need to look it up in the discovery document.

This is located on the API server at /discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest

This is a JSON document which stores configuration parameters for the cluster, which the SDK should fetch during initialization. Specifically the key keepWebServiceUrl is the base URL for the WebDAV service, for example "".

However, I just today noticed that this configuration value is missing. I have a branch to fix it, tracked in issue #12752. It will be merged soon but will probably require a few days to get deployed.

Actions #19

Updated by Tom Morris about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2017-12-06 Sprint to 2017-12-20 Sprint
Actions #20

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

Hi Fuad,

Can you add some examples / test cases for doing various operations with the R SDK, and update the README with instructions for running them?

Actions #21

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

In addition to collections, we also need support for querying projects.

A project is simply a "group" record with the field "group_class" = "project"

The REST API is otherwise the same as collections (same get/put/post/delete semantics and filters), so depending on how you implemented it, the quickest way to implement this may be a cut and paste of the collections code with the endpoint changed.

Actions #22

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

Code review comments: 11876-r-sdk @ 99bec637f6d4384a8d6f3c2cb27eb32d13c14f21

  • Needs unit testing, and integration into The framework will provide a test server for R SDK tests to communicate with. Recommended test framework for R seems to be "testthat"

  • This should be callable without any filters:
    Error in names(filters) <- c("collection") : 
  • I'm getting an error creating a collection:
    collection <- Collection$new(arv, "c97qk-4zz18-klkpkv1ign5kcdu")
    Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, h) : <url> malformed

    On further research, it looks like the upstream cluster has "keepWebServiceUrl" misconfigured, so this isn't really due to a bug in your code (although the error reporting should be better.)
  • I think it is later, so you can remove this comment?
            #Todo(Fudo): Hardcoded credentials to WebDAV server. Remove them later
  • Instead of having two different modes for Collection$add, I suggest renaming the first one to "create" and having it return an ArvadosFile:
    collectionFile <- collection$create("main.cpp", "cpp/src/")

    Then the "add" method only does one thing.
  • Instead of "collection$getFileContent()" I suggest calling it "getFileListing()"
Actions #23

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

It looks like the R concept of a generalized IO object is called a "connection":

Figure out how to expose ArvadosFile as a "connection" so that it can be used directly for loading and saving data.

Actions #24

Updated by Tom Morris about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2017-12-20 Sprint to 2018-01-17 Sprint
Actions #25

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-01-17 Sprint to 2018-01-31 Sprint
Actions #26

Updated by Tom Morris about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-01-31 Sprint to 2018-02-14 Sprint
Actions #27

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

Actions #28

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

note to self

.libPaths( "/var/lib/arvados/Rstuff")
Actions #29

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

I pushed a commit to 11876-r-sdk which adds support for running the R SDK unit tests as part of the overall Arvados test suite. I also noticed several tests are failing, can you confirm?

Actions #30

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 7 years ago

                   ********** Running sdk/R tests **********

> results <- devtools::test()
Loading ArvadosR
Loading required package: testthat
Testing ArvadosR
Arvados API: .........................
ArvadosFile: ........................
Collection: .........................
CollectionTree: ...............
Http Parser: .....
Http Request: ...
REST service: ........1....2.......3.....4.....5.....................................
Subcollection: .................................
Utility function: ..........

Failed -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Error: getResource raises exception if response contains errors field (@test-RESTService.R#76) 
is.character(regexp) is not TRUE
1: expect_that(REST$getResource("collections", resourceUUID), throws_error(404)) at /usr/src/arvados/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R:76
2: condition(object)
3: expect_error(x, regexp, ...)
4: expect_match(error$message, regexp, ..., info = info)
5: stopifnot(is.character(regexp), length(regexp) == 1)
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), ch), call. = FALSE, 
       domain = NA)

2. Error: listResources raises exception if response contains errors field (@test-RESTService.R#117) 
is.character(regexp) is not TRUE
1: expect_that(REST$listResources("collections"), throws_error(404)) at /usr/src/arvados/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R:117
2: condition(object)
3: expect_error(x, regexp, ...)
4: expect_match(error$message, regexp, ..., info = info)
5: stopifnot(is.character(regexp), length(regexp) == 1)
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), ch), call. = FALSE, 
       domain = NA)

3. Error: deleteCollection raises exception if response contains errors field (@test-RESTService.R#190) 
is.character(regexp) is not TRUE
1: expect_that(REST$deleteResource("collections", resourceUUID), throws_error(404)) at /usr/src/arvados/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R:190
2: condition(object)
3: expect_error(x, regexp, ...)
4: expect_match(error$message, regexp, ..., info = info)
5: stopifnot(is.character(regexp), length(regexp) == 1)
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), ch), call. = FALSE, 
       domain = NA)

4. Error: updateResource raises exception if response contains errors field (@test-RESTService.R#238) 
is.character(regexp) is not TRUE
1: expect_that(REST$updateResource("collections", resourceUUID, newResourceContent), 
       throws_error(404)) at /usr/src/arvados/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R:238
2: condition(object)
3: expect_error(x, regexp, ...)
4: expect_match(error$message, regexp, ..., info = info)
5: stopifnot(is.character(regexp), length(regexp) == 1)
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), ch), call. = FALSE, 
       domain = NA)

5. Error: createResource raises exception if response contains errors field (@test-RESTService.R#288) 
is.character(regexp) is not TRUE
1: expect_that(REST$createResource("collections", resourceContent), throws_error(404)) at /usr/src/arvados/sdk/R/tests/testthat/test-RESTService.R:288
2: condition(object)
3: expect_error(x, regexp, ...)
4: expect_match(error$message, regexp, ..., info = info)
5: stopifnot(is.character(regexp), length(regexp) == 1)
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), ch), call. = FALSE, 
       domain = NA)

DONE ===========================================================================
> any_error <- any($error)
> if (any_error) {
+   q("no", 1)
+ } else {
+   q("no", 0)
+ }

             ********** !!!!!! sdk/R tests FAILED !!!!!! **********
Actions #32

Updated by Nico César about 7 years ago

for the record, if dependencies are there this will work:

> install.packages('', repos = NULL, type="source")

this is a small step towards getting it into Bioconductor Package system

Actions #33

Updated by Tom Morris about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-02-14 Sprint to 2018-02-28 Sprint
Actions #34

Updated by Tom Morris about 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-02-28 Sprint to 2018-03-14 Sprint
Actions #35

Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-03-14 Sprint to 2018-03-28 Sprint
Actions #36

Updated by Tom Morris almost 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-03-28 Sprint to 2018-04-11 Sprint
Actions #37

Updated by Tom Morris almost 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 2018-04-11 Sprint to 2018-04-25 Sprint
Actions #38

Updated by Tom Morris almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Idea #13391: Get R SDK into Bioconductor added
Actions #39

Updated by Tom Morris almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Actions #40

Updated by Tom Morris over 6 years ago

  • Blocks Idea #13077: R SDK submit to Bioconductor added
Actions #41

Updated by Tom Morris over 6 years ago

  • Release set to 13

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