Bug #12093
arvados-cwl-runner doesn't propogate --project-uuid to submitting container
Added by Bryan Cosca over 7 years ago.
Updated over 7 years ago.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
- Target version set to 2017-08-16 sprint
A more general comment: The test suite seems heavy on the copy-paste. Why do all these test cases have "except: logging.exception("")"? Hopefully it isn't considered normal for these blocks to fail in lots of different ways -- could we specify the exception(s) we're expecting due to the test environment?
Tom Clegg wrote:
A more general comment: The test suite seems heavy on the copy-paste. Why do all these test cases have "except: logging.exception("")"? Hopefully it isn't considered normal for these blocks to fail in lots of different ways -- could we specify the exception(s) we're expecting due to the test environment?
I don't have a good explanation for the try/except blocks. The best I can think of is that at one point it was failing for some reason, but I wanted to see the result of the assert_called_with checks to know what was actually wrong.
I agree there is a number of tests in that file could be cleaned up a bit and put into a framework. (I'll keep that in mind for next time I touch this).
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset arvados|commit:651e87d8d97edebd8d3cd0325dbd15d6dac0cd1c.
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