Feature #12517
closed[Workbench] page with a view of all the top level container requests
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Story points:
Similar to instances, I would like a page that has top level container requests. The page does not satisfy that because it shows ALL container requests.
When more container requests get run, the top level ones effectively get lost forever unless you remember exactly where it is, because Dashboard only shows the last 12 pipeline instances / top level container requests.
Updated by Bryan Cosca over 7 years ago
- Project changed from 35 to Arvados
My current workaround is to name pipelines after some heuristic like issue tracker number so I can filter on that. Maybe there's another filter I can use?
Updated by Tom Clegg about 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #11625: [Workbench] Ensure that running processes are visible on the dashboard added
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima about 7 years ago
Coalescing #12315, #11625 & #12517 into one UI proposal:
- Change the “Recent pipelines & processes” panel on the dashboard to “Active pipelines & processes”, only showing the top level processes which are in active state (maybe all of them instead of the first N?)
- On the “all processes” page, only showing the top level processes (in any state), ordered by descending creation date and adding an checkbox to include the subworkflows, or maybe having the subworkflows already collapsed as subitems of every top level process row.
- When showing the subworkflows, it may be convenient to reorder them differently? (For example by starting date)
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 5 years ago
- Target version deleted (
To Be Groomed) - Status changed from New to Resolved