Idea #13326
openAs a data provider, I would like the ability to provide metered access to my data on Arvados, including start/end dates, bandwidth caps, and % of file accessed
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As a provider of data hosted on an Arvados cluster, I would like to be able to give users limited, metered access to my data.
An example might be a provider who provides access to FASTQs or other raw data with permission to process and download the full derived results (e.g. VCFs), but only limited access to the raw data or equivalent for troubleshooting or spotchecking things (e.g. view aligned BAMs for the purposes of checking suspect variant calls). Such access might be limited both in duration (e.g. 3 months) and bandwidth (e.g. less than 5% of the BAM file), so the user should be able to specify either or both.