



Feature #13619


[Controller] Federated multi object retrieval

Added by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Assigned To:
Target version:
Story points:
Release relationship:


See Federation implementation roadmap

This is a defined subset of the "list" API that supports federation.

Requests for container requests (→ can generalize to all endpoints) with filters [["uuid", in, [...]] will be recognized by arvados-controller. Divide the list based on cluster ids and send the appropriate query to each cluster with a salted token. Collect and return the results.

A query includes remote uuids must not specify limit, offset, order, or additional filters. If any are provided, it is an error.

If there is a network error contacting a cluster, return that error status in the response.

If fewer items were returned by a cluster than were expected, arvados-controller should request additional pages until it has determined all available items are returned (some items requested may still not be returned if they don't exist or are not readable by the user).

The number of items in the [[uuid, in, ...]] request cannot be larger than the max page size for responses.

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #14235: Review 13619-fed-object-listResolvedPeter Amstutz09/28/2018Actions

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Arvados - Feature #14197: [controller] Federated container requestsResolvedPeter Amstutz09/21/2018Actions
Actions #2

Updated by Tom Morris over 6 years ago

  • Target version set to To Be Groomed
Actions #3

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from [Controller] Federated listing API to [Controller] Federated multi object retrieval
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #4

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Story points set to 3.0
Actions #5

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from To Be Groomed to Arvados Future Sprints
Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #14197: [controller] Federated container requests added
Actions #7

Updated by Tom Morris over 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from Arvados Future Sprints to 2018-10-03 Sprint
Actions #8

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
Actions #9

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

13619-fed-object-list @ 395e42cc2eb11b52ab5e36b29421edcdea3a3dbf

Mostly done, but on re-reading the description, there are some details with paging that I haven't addressed.

Actions #10

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

13619-fed-object-list @ 8ba7223586eabdbc2bcc2cf8cc143ce624286e50

  • Read in filters ["uuid", "in", [...]] and ["uuid", "=", "..."] and split them up based on cluster prefix
  • If more than one cluster prefix is listed, engages the multi-cluster query code
  • Check if filter size exceeds max page size (requires new config.yml configuration parameter) (with test)
  • Error if limit, offset, or order is provided (with tests)
  • Fails the whole query on error (with tests)
  • Loop and request missing uuids if previous query returned results and not all results have been returned
  • Implemented generically, supports containers, container requests and workflows.
  • Updated documentation

Actions #11

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #12

Updated by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago

  • In docs, remove some extra "must" in the "list method must:" items (and I think that should be "request must", not "method must"?
  • (*multiClusterQueryResponseCollector)collectResponse() should un-pyramid the non-error case, do "if err { return }" instead
  • (*multiClusterQueryResponseCollector)collectResponse() does way too much type-casting. Should check response status first, then decode into an appropriate struct type. E.g., if an element of items doesn't decode to a map[string]interface{} then we might as well fail at the decoding stage instead of ignoring this later in remoteQueryUUIDs().
  • (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)remoteQueryUUIDs() will not terminate in various cases (remote keeps returning the same uuids, or entries without a "uuid" key) -- could fix by stopping the loop when found doesn't grow, rather than when the remote returns nothing
  • ParallelRemoteRequests should be Concurrent... and I wonder if this should be a server-wide limit, or renamed to indicate it's a per-incoming-request limit?
  • Instead of url.ParseQuery(req.URL.RawQuery) and loadParamsFromForm, could we use stdlib (*http.Request).ParseForm()?
  • loadParamsFromJson appears to be unused
  • Prefer params.Get("foo") != "" over if len(params["foo"])==1 { ... params["foo"][0] } unless something like "?foo" is supposed to trigger the non-empty case
    • "if len(params["select"]) == 1" treats ?select=foo&select=bar as if no select were given at all -- intentional?
  • Prefer remoteParams.Set("_method", "GET") over remoteParams["_method"] = []string{"GET"}
    • ...or when initializing, might as well use remoteParams := url.Values{"_method": {"GET"}, "count": {"none"}}
  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler) handleMultiClusterQuery(), r.(string) == "uuid" crashes if r isn't a string; maybe selects should be []string instead of []interface{}?
  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), "for _, f1 := range filters" -- what's the "1" referring to in "f1"? Could it be called "filter"?
  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), it looks like filters="uuid","in",[1 would crash
  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), should un-pyramid the if ok && lhs == "uuid" block -- just needs "if col, ok := f10.(string); !ok || col != "uuid" { return false }"
  • Default req concurrency should be 4 if not given in config file, not 0 (deadlock?)
  • Default page size should be 1000 if not given in config file, not 0
Actions #13

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

Tom Clegg wrote:

  • In docs, remove some extra "must" in the "list method must:" items (and I think that should be "request must", not "method must"?


  • (*multiClusterQueryResponseCollector)collectResponse() should un-pyramid the non-error case, do "if err { return }" instead


  • (*multiClusterQueryResponseCollector)collectResponse() does way too much type-casting. Should check response status first, then decode into an appropriate struct type. E.g., if an element of items doesn't decode to a map[string]interface{} then we might as well fail at the decoding stage instead of ignoring this later in remoteQueryUUIDs().


  • (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)remoteQueryUUIDs() will not terminate in various cases (remote keeps returning the same uuids, or entries without a "uuid" key) -- could fix by stopping the loop when found doesn't grow, rather than when the remote returns nothing


  • ParallelRemoteRequests should be Concurrent... and I wonder if this should be a server-wide limit, or renamed to indicate it's a per-incoming-request limit?

Renamed to FederatedRequestConcurrency

  • Instead of url.ParseQuery(req.URL.RawQuery) and loadParamsFromForm, could we use stdlib (*http.Request).ParseForm()?

Done, the tricky bit is buffering the body for the cases where you are going to proxy the request and need to read the body a second time.

  • loadParamsFromJson appears to be unused

In a previous branch I had it looking in the json payload for cluster_id, but on further consideration I'm fairly certain none of our SDKs put in there (it goes in the URL query portion) so I removed the unnecessary complexity.

  • Prefer params.Get("foo") != "" over if len(params["foo"])==1 { ... params["foo"][0] } unless something like "?foo" is supposed to trigger the non-empty case


  • "if len(params["select"]) == 1" treats ?select=foo&select=bar as if no select were given at all -- intentional?

Does the API server do the right thing if you supply that? eg does rails turn that into a list?

  • Prefer remoteParams.Set("_method", "GET") over remoteParams["_method"] = []string{"GET"}
    • ...or when initializing, might as well use remoteParams := url.Values{"_method": {"GET"}, "count": {"none"}}


  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler) handleMultiClusterQuery(), r.(string) == "uuid" crashes if r isn't a string; maybe selects should be []string instead of []interface{}?


  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), "for _, f1 := range filters" -- what's the "1" referring to in "f1"? Could it be called "filter"?


  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), it looks like filters="uuid","in",[1 would crash


  • In (*genericFederatedRequestHandler)handleMultiClusterQuery(), should un-pyramid the if ok && lhs == "uuid" block -- just needs "if col, ok := f10.(string); !ok || col != "uuid" { return false }"


  • Default req concurrency should be 4 if not given in config file, not 0 (deadlock?)


  • Default page size should be 1000 if not given in config file, not 0


13619-fed-object-list @ cdaca3963cf2d07e81eb71ac33e4c0966dec9b93

Actions #14

Updated by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago

Peter Amstutz wrote:

Tom Clegg wrote:

  • ParallelRemoteRequests should be Concurrent... and I wonder if this should be a server-wide limit, or renamed to indicate it's a per-incoming-request limit?

Renamed to FederatedRequestConcurrency

I wonder if Federated → MultiCluster would help suggest that it applies to an individual request?

Can we move these to a Limits section like Cluster configuration? I'm not sure "Limits" is the perfect category name but putting them at the top level doesn't seem like a great way to start. RequestLimits?

  • "if len(params["select"]) == 1" treats ?select=foo&select=bar as if no select were given at all -- intentional?

Does the API server do the right thing if you supply that? eg does rails turn that into a list?

It seems to take the last one. (url.Values)Get() takes the first.

The way it is is fine for now. But longer term, I think we should be parsing the incoming request using the same (hopefully stdlib-based) approach across the board, then build new outgoing request(s) if needed. That way we would be sending the same "select" param value we're basing our response assumptions on, for example.

Actions #15

Updated by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago

Peter Amstutz wrote:

Tom Clegg wrote:

  • Default req concurrency should be 4 if not given in config file, not 0 (deadlock?)


  • Default page size should be 1000 if not given in config file, not 0


Are these exported on purpose? (If we're going to export defaults, I think it would be better to do it through the Cluster config object itself, not controller.Handler.)

func (h *Handler) FederatedRequestConcurrency() int
func (h *Handler) MaxItemsPerResponse() int

In doc/api/methods/containers.html.textile.liquid I don't think we should claim to support federated create/update -- even if we do forward the API calls, there isn't really a use case.

Actions #16

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

Tom Clegg wrote:

I wonder if Federated → MultiCluster would help suggest that it applies to an individual request?

Can we move these to a Limits section like Cluster configuration? I'm not sure "Limits" is the perfect category name but putting them at the top level doesn't seem like a great way to start. RequestLimits?


Are these exported on purpose? (If we're going to export defaults, I think it would be better to do it through the Cluster config object itself, not controller.Handler.)

Added methods to arvados.Cluster.RequestLimits

In doc/api/methods/containers.html.textile.liquid I don't think we should claim to support federated create/update -- even if we do forward the API calls, there isn't really a use case.

Right, fixed.

13619-fed-object-list @ cd52bc7ce67cb315e9d6175df4c750e190b9207e

Actions #17

Updated by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago

LGTM, thanks

Actions #18

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #19

Updated by Tom Morris over 6 years ago

  • Release set to 14

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