Bug #13916
openDiscovery document inconsistencies
- Content defined in "schemas" section contain duplicated uuid field. Example:
Section discoveryDoc.schemas.Collection.properties contains 2 uuid fields. This presents a problem when
auto-generating SDK-s (they are manually filtered in R-SDK).
- Methods "index", "show" and "destroy" are aliases for the preferred names "list", "get" and "delete".
These methods are redundant and present an unnecessary addition when auto-generating SDK-s.
(They are manually filtered in R-SDK which reduced Arvados.R file by 2000 lines). Example:
discoveryDoc.resources.collections contains index, show and destroy.
- Some documentation fields are preformated. Example:
discoveryDoc.resources.collections.list.description contains:
List Collections.
The list
method returns a
<a href="/api/resources.html">resource list</a> of
matching Collections. For example:
{ "kind":"arvados#collectionList", "etag":"", "self_link":"", "next_page_token":"", "next_link":"", "items":[ ... ], "items_available":745, "_profile":{ "request_time":0.157236317 }
This presents problem when generating documentation in R, so R-SDK is ignoring description field.
- discoveryDoc.resources.collections.provenance states that return type should be Collection. When I make a
REST call I get back collection wrapped inside list, which is not the case with other collection methods.
I think I encountered more similar problems when working on R-SDK, so I decided to ignore entire discoveryDoc.schemas section.