Bug #14207
closed[Bug][Main Container][Functionality] Collection "Add to favorites" does not work when trying to perform it from Trash
Story points:
"Add to favorites" option does not function when trying to move a Collection from More Options list. A "Working" message appears but nothing happens.
Please note that if the item is in Favorites at the time it is moved to Trash, it is possible to remove it from favorites while in Trash's More Options list.
Please refer to the attached video.
1. Create a Collection
2. Move the created Collection to Trash
3. Access Trash
4. Double-click on the trashed Collection to access it
5. Expand More Options list
6. Click on "Add to favorites" button
Observed result"
A "Working" message appears, but no action is taken.
Expected result:
The requested item is removed from Trash and moved to Favorites section.
Updated by Michal Komorowski over 6 years ago
- File 14207.mp4 14207.mp4 added
- Subject changed from [Bug][Main Container][ Functionality] "Add to favorites" does not work when trying to perform it from Trash to [Bug][Main Container][Functionality] Collection "Add to favorites" does not work when trying to perform it from Trash
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Chrystian Klingenberg over 6 years ago
- Target version set to sprint 9
Updated by Michał Kłobukowski over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assigned To set to Michał Kłobukowski
Updated by Michał Kłobukowski over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #14244: [Data operations] Context menu for collection in trash added
Updated by Michał Kłobukowski over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Updated by Michal Komorowski over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed