Bug #14799
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version set to 2019-02-13 Sprint
- Release set to 21
- Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
- Target version deleted (
2019-02-13 Sprint)
- Release deleted (
- Target version set to 2019-02-13 Sprint
- Release set to 21
14799-google-oauth2-bump @ 3fb33817af5bf4edbaef406936dd6d51b133cc72
Just updates packages in Gemfile.lock
In testing, was able to get a successful google sign-on, but the redirects back to workbench didn't quite work for me. I'm pretty sure it is due to test environment issues -- my development instance doesn't have its own resolvable DNS hostname, and google doesn't let you use an IP address for the authorized callback URI.
Most likely this will either work with no configuration changes (able to continue using existing oauth2 client ids), or only require issuing a new oauth2 client id (if the old google+ scopes are a problem.)
Peter Amstutz wrote:
14799-google-oauth2-bump @ 3fb33817af5bf4edbaef406936dd6d51b133cc72
Just updates packages in Gemfile.lock
In testing, was able to get a successful google sign-on, but the redirects back to workbench didn't quite work for me. I'm pretty sure it is due to test environment issues -- my development instance doesn't have its own resolvable DNS hostname, and google doesn't let you use an IP address for the authorized callback URI.
Most likely this will either work with no configuration changes (able to continue using existing oauth2 client ids), or only require issuing a new oauth2 client id (if the old google+ scopes are a problem.)
LGTM, tested without issues. Please merge.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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