Bug #14882
openUpgrading to 1.3.0-1 Error: no proxy available for cluster
I am upgrading to 1.3.0-1 via the install guide in my test environment.
All seems to work well however workbench reports an error when trying to browse into a collection "collection with id xxxx not found"
Arv-put works fine.
When I run arv collection list I can see my collections there however arv collection get --uuid throws the error Error: no proxy available for cluster XXXXX. It appears it doesn't see the keepproxy service even though it is registered and running (check logs below).
This is a scripted install using ansible that follows the install instructions, so the only thing that has changed are version numbers of the arvados packages. I get the feeling there is an additional undocumented install step that needs to be performed.
I have attached a log file and screenshot of the error.
If anybody could shed some light on this that would be greatly appreciated.
Updated by Tom Clegg about 6 years ago
- Category set to Documentation
Sounds like arvados-controller is using the wrong cluster ID (UUID prefix) so it thinks paarv
is a remote cluster.
This could be a doc bug. "uuid_prefix" should be replaced with your UUID prefix in https://doc.arvados.org/install/install-controller.html#configuration but we don't mention that explicitly.