Bug #15183
open[Workbench2] No errors reported when file is missing a block
Story points:
Release relationship:
When looking at collection su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/cwl.input.yml the file is cwl.output.json is listed as containing 361 bytes, but when downloaded from Workbench, it produces a zero byte file, but without giving any error or warning.
$ md5sum keep/by_id/su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/* a890894f5a748d2a93440fd046c73069 keep/by_id/su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/cwl.input.yml md5sum: keep/by_id/su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/cwl.output.json: Input/output error d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e keep/by_id/su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/hu27FD1F_var-GS000034212-ASM.bed b02868b9ac1264bd1f04b61d04518f57 keep/by_id/su92l-4zz18-44qy35pg0lxshkf/workflow.cwl
Updated by Ward Vandewege about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from [Workbench] No errors reported when file is missing a block to [Workbench2] No errors reported when file is missing a block
I just tried this again:
- from Chromium: workbench itself does not throw an error, but the download does error out with "Failed - File Incomplete".
- from Firefox: workbench does not throw an error, but the download simply does not happen.
The behavior on workbench2 is identical. Changing this bug to be about workbench2, as workbench is close to EOL.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version deleted (
To Be Groomed)