Bug #15848
[Workbench1] multi-site search does not display results
Added by Tom Clegg over 5 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Release relationship:
The "request in progress" indicator behaves as expected, and (according to the browser debugger) non-empty lists of collections/projects are retrieved successfully -- but none are displayed.

- Assigned To set to Lucas Di Pentima
- Status changed from New to In Progress
CollectionList() in
source:lib/controller/federation/list.go is incorrectly sorting list results by UUID regardless of client-supplied order param. Instead, it should:
- sort by the usual default "modified_at desc" when merging results from multiple backends (which only happens when the client does not specify order)
- don't sort the results when they come from a single backend, because in this case they're already sorted correctly
installed arvados-controller 086c972bae004544cb43d9ea15388d486d3cd1ed-dev on 4xphq and restarted ... now results appear in wb1 multisite search
15848-controller-list-sort LGTM, thanks! I'll continue with the wb1 integration test on my branch, make sure it fails, and then merge (new) master to check that it stops failing.
- Target version changed from 2019-12-04 Sprint to 2020-01-02 Sprint
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Marking as resolved: The original bug is fixed, there's a pending wb1 multi site integration test writing task that will be done on a separate ticket.
- Related to Idea #15911: Integration tests for WB1 multi site search (mithril app) added
- Target version deleted (
2020-01-02 Sprint)
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