Idea #16407
closedRelease Arvados 2.0.3
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 2020-05-20 Sprint to 2020-06-03 Sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz almost 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 2020-06-03 Sprint to 2020-06-17 Sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago
Ran locally on arvbox
Failures (8): Fail: sdk/ruby install (4s) Fail: sdk/perl install (0s) Fail: sdk/cli install (34s) Fail: doc tests (14s) Fail: sdk/cli tests (23s) Fail: tools/crunchstat-summary tests (2s) Fail: tools/crunchstat-summary tests (2s) Fail: tools/keep-rsync tests (41s)
On jenkins:
Also need to cherry pick a few more things.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago
2.0-dev @ 3c0a5f77f2bea2206aa3fe9d5ffa8245c85c9cbc
This should have everything cherry-picked from but please double-check.
Passed tests here
Draft release notes:
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima over 4 years ago
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago
Lucas Di Pentima wrote:
2.0.3 Release notes & cherry-picks review¶
- Cherry-picks
- #16391 seems to be missing
Good catch. Added.
- #16339 status is still “in progress” on redmine.
I think there was something else I still wanted to follow up on. It is on a future sprint.
- Release notes
- #16439 seem to me more of a bugfix than a new feature.
- #16384 is not mentioned nor included on the release on redmine, but was cherry-picked
- Kubernetes documentation got some updates (no issue #) but it isn’t mentioned.
#16384 is a k8s doc update. The k8s docs were updated, but it still isn't production ready, and it isn't really part of the release. I asked Ward and he said no need to mention it.
I'm going to move forward with the release process.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago
Git commits:
arvados arvados|db83f805e4ccf82eef22fe2c9a3db38ebd772a83
workbench2 arvados-workbench2|0fca724529ecc364ebbdb7bb1366ffff0d08bbd9
sso sso-provider|5c179dca8c2349f869b301f9c4152aa0b84adb94
composer 660e7d4ccbbbf7dbcd0c8d60d5ea3c3150d939ef
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago
The python 'rsa' package released a new version, version 4.1 and greater no longer supports python 2. As a result, installing arvados-python-client 2.0.3 from pip results in a broken install. The solution is to pin rsa to a compatible version.
In order to avoid doing a full 2.0.4 release for this packaging tweak, the python packages are re-released to PyPi as
As a side effect, because the package release jenkins jobs handles both ruby and python, the Ruby packages are also released as
As another side effect, because the script builds new versions of all packages, this caused arvados-cwl-runner to be created, which required building and uploading an arvados/jobs: docker image.