Task #17502
openSupport #16062: Record demo videos
need help finding docker contain to run correct java version for PharmCAT
Hi all -
So this is a silly request but for some reason I can't wrap my brain around it. I need a starting docker container that I can pull and build upon to run https://github.com/PharmGKB/PharmCAT.
When I tried with the version of the openjdk container images (openjdk:17-slim) I had it didn't work and gave me this error --
3-09T20:14:37.816839222Z Exception in thread "main"
2021-03-09T20:14:37.817339827Z java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/pharmgkb/pharmcat/PharmCAT : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
Could someone help me find the right openjdk image or another equivalent jdk image?
Thank you!
Updated by Ward Vandewege almost 4 years ago
- Start date set to 03/29/2021
- Assigned To set to Ward Vandewege
- Status changed from New to In Progress
The PharmCAT wiki (https://github.com/PharmGKB/PharmCAT/wiki) says that PharmCAT requires Java 1.8 or newer.
Java numbering is confusing; "Java 8" is apparently an alias for Java 1.8. Also, the openjdk docker images are named confusingly: openjdk:17-slim corresponds to Java 1.7, and openjdk:8-slim corresponds to Java 1.8.
I think the openjdk:8-slim image should be one that works, is that correct?
Updated by Sarah Zaranek almost 4 years ago
Yup, looks like I was using 7. Let me try 8 and double check it works. Thank you.