Bug #17691
[Workbench2] the "add new ssh key" page does overly strict validation
Added by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago.
Updated over 3 years ago.
Release relationship:
The "Add new ssh key" form seems to require a key format that is "ssh-rsa thewholelongkey some-comment@something". If "some-comment@something" is not present, the user sees "Public key is invalid" in red, which is not true.
This form should not require a comment on the key.
- Description updated (diff)
- Description updated (diff)
- Release deleted (
- Target version set to 2021-08-04 sprint
- Assigned To set to Stephen Smith
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Changes at 065273b6a85d33939edad2b25efaf7028610e1e4 - branch 17681-relax-add-ssh-validation
Tests: developer-tests-workbench2: #453 
Updated the ssh key validation regex to accept either (at the end of the key)
- Original pattern which requires a single space and comment containing @
- No whitespace at the end of the key
Since the comment validation wasn't mentioned, I assume the existing behavior in requiring something@something is ok
Keys without a comment must not have any trailing whitespace or other characters (hopefully that's not too strict)
- Just one suggestion: Some unit tests could be easily added to check that
behaves correctly.
With that, it LGTM.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Added some tests and merged in fd49462a5a09e107b7bb5c0ef8635db328b399b8
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