Bug #18489
closedCWL: Intermittent Singularity startup failures
We recently started testing a simple CWL workflow in Arvados Crunch 2.3.1. The jobs are executed on a Slurm cluster consisting of 4 nodes with 4 cores each, created as OpenStack VMs.
The workflow consists of three steps:- Download 23 vcf.gz files from external, non-federated Arvados cluster using arv-get
- Convert these files to hap/sample using bcftools convert
- Upload the 23 hap/sample file pairs to the external Arvados cluster using arv-put
The first two steps use scattering to spread the jobs over the nodes.
The Crunch container runtime has been set to 'singularity'.
Running the Crunch workflow results in intermittent failures of jobs in stage 1 or 2. We are able to get to the desired result after restarting the workflow once or twice. The failure message is always:
2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z ERROR [container bcftools_convert_10] (arvc1-xvhdp-ffcjthyczz8gqol) error log: 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.272198441Z crunch-run Not starting a gateway server (GatewayAuthSecret was not provided by dispatcher) 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.272309584Z crunch-run crunch-run 2.3.1 (go1.17.1) started 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.272331939Z crunch-run Executing container 'arvc1-dz642-tlt1uw3hyppd06g' using singularity runtime 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.272354161Z crunch-run Executing on host 'slurm-worker-blue-4' 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.433328942Z crunch-run container token "token-obfuscated" 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:45.433798736Z crunch-run Running [arv-mount --foreground --read-write --storage-classes default --crunchstat-interval=10 --file-cache 268435456 --mount-by-pdh by_id --disable-event-listening --mount-by-id by_uuid /tmp/crunch-run.arvc1-dz642-tlt1uw3hyppd06g.1063908694/keep2883686336] 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:49.241177040Z crunch-run Fetching Docker image from collection '3126bcd60bc91b04916bae8dfadede7d+177' 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:49.372828520Z crunch-run Using Docker image id "sha256:c74eb4247d8550fa2df0c5275a9dd3b34cb105347cc0fcefdf5a05749faaf0a1" 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:49.372958779Z crunch-run Loading Docker image from keep 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:50.079531206Z crunch-run Starting container 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:50.080267548Z crunch-run Waiting for container to finish 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:52.939218932Z stderr FATAL: container creation failed: mount /proc/self/fd/3->/usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/rootfs error: while mounting image /proc/self/fd/3: failed to find loop device: could not attach image file to loop device: failed to set loop flags on loop device: resource temporarily unavailable 2021-11-26T18:57:12.918958066Z 2021-11-26T18:56:53.365279723Z crunch-run Complete 2021-11-26T18:57:13.026434934Z ERROR [container bcftools_convert_10] unable to collect output from d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0:
I am attaching the CWL files (with some redacting) that were used during our test workflow.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
from gitter:
"We have tried this with both Singularity 3.7.4 and 3.9.1 but the error pops up in both versions."
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
Just to confirm, slurm is scheduling more than one job at a time on these nodes? E.g. with 4 cores that 4 jobs scheduled per core?
Updated by Tom Schoonjans over 3 years ago
Peter Amstutz wrote:
Just to confirm, slurm is scheduling more than one job at a time on these nodes? E.g. with 4 cores that 4 jobs scheduled per core?
In the case of `arv-get`: yes. `bcftools convert` is using two cores per job, so two per node in the second workflow step.
Updated by Joshua Randall over 3 years ago
I can confirm that with 4 nodes (4 cores each), this minimal reproducer fails with the same error on the same system:
$ cat echo-many.cwl #!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: message_array: string[] steps: echo: run: echo-tool.cwl scatter: message in: message: message_array out: [] outputs: [] $ cat 32-inputs.cwl message_array: - Hello World 1 - Hello World 2 - Hello World 3 - Hello World 4 - Hello World 5 - Hello World 6 - Hello World 7 - Hello World 8 - Hello World 9 - Hello World 10 - Hello World 11 - Hello World 12 - Hello World 13 - Hello World 14 - Hello World 15 - Hello World 16 - Hello World 17 - Hello World 18 - Hello World 19 - Hello World 20 - Hello World 21 - Hello World 22 - Hello World 23 - Hello World 24 - Hello World 25 - Hello World 26 - Hello World 27 - Hello World 28 - Hello World 29 - Hello World 30 - Hello World 31 - Hello World 32 $ arvados-cwl-runner --disable-reuse echo-many.cwl 32-inputs.cwl
Note that it failed the first time without `--disable-reuse` but this flag is useful for making the failure reproducible. Running with these 32 inputs has failed 4/4 times I have tried it. Running with 16 inputs has failed 1/2 times, and running with 4 inputs succeeded the only time I tried.
Updated by Joshua Randall over 3 years ago
dmesg on one of the nodes during some of these runs:
[Mon Nov 29 16:30:53 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:30:53 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:30:53 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:30:54 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:30:54 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:30:56 2021] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev loop6, sector 4096 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 0 [Mon Nov 29 16:30:56 2021] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev loop6, sector 4096 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0 [Mon Nov 29 16:30:56 2021] Buffer I/O error on dev loop6, logical block 512, async page read [Mon Nov 29 16:30:56 2021] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev loop6, sector 4096 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0 [Mon Nov 29 16:30:56 2021] Buffer I/O error on dev loop6, logical block 512, async page read [Mon Nov 29 16:34:07 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:34:07 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:34:07 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:34:08 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=2) [Mon Nov 29 16:34:08 2021] loop_set_status: loop6 () has still dirty pages (nrpages=128)
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
The singularity code (current version at https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/master/pkg/util/loop/loop.go) creates/chooses a loop device where loop_set_fd syscall succeeds, then tries the loop_set_status syscall, waiting 250s and retrying up to 5 times after EAGAIN, then gives up.
The "has still dirty pages" kernel message comes with the EAGAIN response. https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/block/loop.c#L1268-L1271
I wonder whether singularity would do better to handle EAGAIN by trying to use/create the next loop device, only resorting to a delay-and-retry loop when reaching MaxLoopDevices. It seems unnecessary to wait around for the kernel to clean up loop6 if we could start using loop7 right now.
As an aside, the EAGAIN kernel behavior itself seems to be in flux.
I haven't thought of a reasonable way to work around this from the Arvados end.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
You meant 250ms not 250s.
So retrying 5 times is only a total of 1.25s of waiting.
Perhaps there is a race condition aspect, if a multiple singularity processes are trying to start at once, could they all decide they want to take the same loop device?
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Target version set to 2021-12-08 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
This is pure speculation but if the problem is singularity racing with other singularity processes to acquire a loopback device, maybe we could use some kind of locking strategy to prevent multiple singularity processes starting within some time window (10s?).
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- exists or can be created
- not already in use
can be configured with the desired parameters (offset, size limit, flags, etc)
Once it has chosen a device that meets the first two criteria, it waits 1.5s for it to meet the third criterion, then gives up.
It could be fixed by choosing the first device that meets all three criteria. With that change, the 1.5s waiting period is probably not even needed.
So far my only idea for working around this from the outside (without modifying singularity itself) is to detect the nearly-but-not-quite-usable /dev/loopN device files and replace them with device files that point to different loop devices -- e.g., if /dev/loop1 points to loop device number 1 which is not usable, delete /dev/loop1 and create a new /dev/loop1 that actually maps to loop device number 8 which is usable. This seems considerably more painful than patching singularity.
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
Another possibility is for crunch-run to test for the situation where singularity will fail, and wait (longer than 1.5s) for it to clear up. Maybe 60 seconds? But this would achieve exactly the same thing as increasing "maxRetries" in singularity, so patching singularity seems more reasonable.
Updated by Tom Clegg over 3 years ago
Summary so far:
Easiest thing that could get your workflows running reliably is to patch singularity to wait up to 150 seconds before giving up instead of 1.5 seconds. Just change maxRetries from 5 to 500 here: https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/master/pkg/util/loop/loop.go#L177
Regardless of whether that gets things running, I think it is worth refactoring the retry logic in that function, and upstreaming it:- Move the F_SETFD and CmdSetStatus64 syscalls into the "try each /dev/loopN" loop
- After exhausting all loop devices, return EAGAIN instead of "no loop devices available" if any of them ended in EAGAIN
- Rename AttachFromFile to attachFromFile and add an AttachFromFile wrapper that retries attachFromFile up to 5x after EAGAIN
- if /dev/loop6 says EAGAIN but /dev/loop7 works, use /dev/loop7 right away instead of waiting for /dev/loop6
- /dev isn't flock()ed while waiting, as it is in the current implementation
I expect that with this change, delay-and-retry will be extremely rare, but removing it could conceivably break a case that could have worked with the current code, so seems best to leave it in.
Updated by Tom Schoonjans over 3 years ago
A PR has been opened at https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pull/458
Hope it gets merged in soon.
Many thanks Tom for all your help investigating this issue!
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
- Related to Support #18566: Document singularity loopback device conflict bug added
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
Will document "if you get this error, check for a newer version of singularity, see this PR" in #18566