Bug #19487
openIf collections has no description don't show it
Story points:
Release relationship:
if a collection doesn't have properties just leave that area blank. Unless you can click on it to edit it- there is no purpose telling me there are no properties.
I think maybe this would be as a way to tell people you can add a description but it is just wasting space.
Updated by Sarah Zaranek over 2 years ago
- Project changed from Arvados Workbench 2 to Arvados
Also - if you keep the No properties -- use the same font as everything else, it sticks out because it isn't the same as all the other information in the page and/or panel.
Updated by Sarah Zaranek over 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #19486: No properties for processes is in a larger font added
Updated by Sarah Zaranek over 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #19485: if a collection has no properties - just don't show the properties section added