Bug #20142
closedAutomatic refresh after removing files within a collection does not work
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Story points:
When one or more files are removed from a collection, they are still visible even after deletion due to failure of the auto-refresh function. Sometimes, manual refresh using the Refresh button also fails and the entire page should be reloaded.
Updated by Brett Smith about 2 years ago
Hi Erfan, it sounds like this might be a specific case of #19899, which is already on our radar. Please let me know if that sounds right to you, and feel free to watch that ticket.
Updated by Brett Smith about 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #19899: Stale cache wb2 in collection file list added
Updated by Erfan Younesi about 2 years ago
Hi Brett, thanks for the update! It seems to me that #19899 ultimately leads to resolution of auto-refresh issue as well. I keep an eye on these developments. Thanks again