Bug #20432
Improve CWL runner handling 503 errors
Added by Peter Amstutz over 1 year ago.
Updated over 1 year ago.
Release relationship:
- recoverable errors, like getting container states, is not an error, and should only be logged as a warning
- requesting /arvados/v1/config isn't retried
- requesting /discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest isn't retried
- _thread._local object has no attribute 'api' -- throwing and handling AttributeError is intentional but maybe getattr would be better, in any event it is the API object construction that is ultimately failing
- requesting /arvados/v1/containers/current
- requesting /arvados/v1/users/current
- everything should use 8-10 retries
- FUSE command.py also calls users.current without retries -- have seen a few instances of FUSE failing to start due to 503 errors on fetching discovery doc or other endpoints required for startup
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from CWL runner error handling to Improve CWL runner handling 503 errors
- Description updated (diff)
- Release set to 63
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Target version changed from Future to Development 2023-05-10 sprint
- Related to Bug #12684: Let user specify a retry strategy on the client object, used for all API calls added
- Target version changed from Development 2023-05-10 sprint to Development 2023-05-24 sprint
- Target version changed from Development 2023-05-24 sprint to Development 2023-06-07
- Target version changed from Development 2023-06-07 to To be scheduled
All of this is obsoleted by #12684. There should be no need to write anything separate for this anymore.
- Target version changed from To be scheduled to Development 2023-05-24 sprint
- Assigned To changed from Peter Amstutz to Brett Smith
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Brett Smith wrote in #note-14:
All of this is obsoleted by #12684. There should be no need to write anything separate for this anymore.
Can you confirm if fetching the discovery document is also now retried by default?
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