Idea #21017
openConvert cookbook container recipes into SDK methods
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Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
Story points:
A lot of code in the Python SDK cookbook that coordinates low-level API calls should just be methods that are defined in the SDK itself. Why force every user to copy-paste these code snippets when we can just give them the method directly?
Here are common general-purpose container/request functions that could be useful. I'm not sure what module they should go in. It might make sense to add them to a new arvados.container
def lookup(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
) -> Container | None: ...
# If container is a str, it's a UUID for one of the other types, fetch that.
# If it's a container request, return None if container_uuid is None,
# else fetch that.
# Return the resulting container.
# Note that lookup should return None *only* if it handles a container
# request with no container_uuid set.
# Other problems like malformed UUID, other object types, container request
# without container_uuid selected, etc. should all raise their corresponding
# exceptions.
def container_started(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
) -> bool:
container_obj = lookup(client, container)
if container_obj is None:
return False
return container_obj['status'] not in {'Queued', 'Locked'}
def container_finished(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
) -> bool:
container_obj = lookup(client, container)
if container_obj is None:
return False
return container_obj['status'] in {'Cancelled', 'Complete'}
def container_succeeded(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
success: typing.Container[int]=frozenset([0]),
) -> bool:
container_obj = lookup(client, container)
return (
container_obj is not None
and container_obj['status'] == 'Complete'
and container_obj['exit_code'] in success
def child_requests(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
filters: list[list[str]]=[],
select: list[str]=[],
depth: int | None=None,
) -> Iterator[ContainerRequest]: ...
# lookup container, yield from `keyset_list_all` calls, down to depth if given
def child_containers(
client: ArvadosAPIClient,
container: str | Container | ContainerRequest,
request_filters: list[list[str]]=[],
container_filters: list[list[str]]=[],
select: list[str]=[],
depth: int | None=None,
) -> Iterator[Container]: ...
# Same dance as above, call `child_requests` to get container_uuids, then
# yield from `keyset_list_all` calls with those UUIDs, down to depth if given.
# Note that `child_requests` can be called with a very narrow `select` for
# optimization, and can add the filter `container_uuid is not null`.
Related issues
Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Idea
- File added
Here's a draft implementation I did because I needed it for something else anyway. An actual branch would need:
- Pre-discussion and agreement on the API, including names of everything
- Tests
- Docstrings formatted to our standards (hopefully the text is still useful at least)
- The
block removed (it's basically a cheap version of #21024)
Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago
- Related to Idea #21024: PySDK includes basic workflow reporting script added
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
- Target version changed from Future to Development 2024-01-03 sprint
Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago
- Story points set to 1.0
- Assigned To set to Brett Smith
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
Initial thoughts:
- I would have a single container_status() method which returns an enum that lines up with the states presented to the user in Workbench 2.
- In general, users only care about container_requests and the container object is an implementation detail that usually leads to confusion
Based on the cookbook, some additional methods to consider:
- get_cwl_input() -- return mounts[cwl.input.json] and/or properties[cwl_input]
- get_cwl_output() -- return output[cwl.output.json] and/or properties[cwl_output]
- get_log_file() -- get a file from the log collection
- list_containers() -- optional 'name', 'project_uuid' and 'status' which accepts the higher-level status enum used by the proposed container_status(), as well as other arbitrary filters
- container_cancel() -- set priority to zero
- copy_container() -- make a copy of the container request in "uncommitted" state
- run_container() -- commit a container request
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
Takeaways from meeting Dec 6:
- A higher level API should align conceptually with how things are presented to the user in Workbench 2
- This is because excepted thought process of a end user using the Python SDK would be "I understand how to do a task in workbench, how can I automate it"
- The proposed functionality should be defined as a class (perhaps with static methods) that flattens the ContainerRequest/Container distinction.
- We need to choose our preferred terminology and use it consistently across WB2 and the SDK. We agree that "container request" is not meaningful to end users. Workbench 2 currently uses "Process/Subprocess" and "Workflow run/Workflow step" in various places.
Side discussion:
- It be neat if we made containers lightweight enough (both from a UI and dispatching point of view) so the obvious way to do operations like report generation is to launch and results viewed from within Workbench.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 9 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-03 sprint to Development 2024-01-17 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 9 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-17 sprint to Development 2024-01-31 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 9 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-31 sprint to Future
Updated by Brett Smith 4 months ago
- Related to Feature #19047: Pythonic interface to launch workflows added
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 2 months ago
- Target version changed from Future to Development 2024-09-25 sprint
- Status changed from In Progress to New
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 month ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-09-25 sprint to Development 2024-10-09 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 17 days ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-10-09 sprint to Development 2024-10-23 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 11 days ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-10-23 sprint to Development 2024-11-06 sprint