Feature #21168
Carsten Schelp writes:
Hi all, I think I mentioned earlier that we (surf.nl) would like to see a SLRUM-REST-API interface for Arvados.
This would enable us to use the Snellius supercomputer as a crunch instance.
I am taking steps to find a Go-developer who can modify the existing SLURM dispatcher ( https://github.com/arvados/arvados/tree/main/services/crunch-dispatch-slurm ) such that it can call the SLURM-REST-API instead of issuing s* commands.
This is the docs-page of the SLURM-REST-API: https://slurm.schedmd.com/rest.html
I can get some budget for this, hoping that it covers the required effort.
My estimate is that this is not a very big task, but I may be naïve.
Everybody is welcome to play some scrum-poker, here.
Either way, please speak up if you can support the effort with advice, personnel or budget!