Feature #21224
closedProject details panel
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-03 sprint to Development 2024-01-17 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-17 sprint to Development 2024-01-31 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Related to Idea #16943: WB2 Descriptions, project & collection operations added
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-31 sprint to Development 2024-02-14 sprint
Updated by Lisa Knox about 1 year ago
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #467
21224-project-details @ a60e439fc82ee7e866b3d15c62fe5b3760894ff4
- ✅ All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- ✅ Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- ✅ Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
- ✅ Documentation has been updated.
- n/a
- ✅ Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
- ✅ Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
- n/a
- ✅ Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
- I opted for an outline to highlight the details card (when parent project is displayed in the details panel) instead of the light grey which was either unnoticeable or too dark imo.
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- File Screenshot-no-prop-no-desc.png Screenshot-no-prop-no-desc.png added
- File Screenshot-tidy-group.png Screenshot-tidy-group.png added
- File Screenshot-user-menu.png Screenshot-user-menu.png added
- File Screenshot-description.png Screenshot-description.png added
Lisa Knox wrote in #note-9:
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #467
21224-project-details @ a60e439fc82ee7e866b3d15c62fe5b3760894ff4
- ✅ All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- ✅ Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- ✅ Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
- ✅ Documentation has been updated.
- n/a
- ✅ Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
- ✅ Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
- n/a
- ✅ Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
- I opted for an outline to highlight the details card (when parent project is displayed in the details panel) instead of the light grey which was either unnoticeable or too dark imo.
Isn't this supposed to show the first line or sentence of the description? Also, if the full description is visible, there is not reason to have a "show full description" button. Also I thought we were going to do a down arrow or chevron to indicate it could be expanded, instead of a link?
Can we reduce the top/bottom padding on the title and description to try to shorten the box a bit?
I was really confused about what the "Project" option did, until I realized this menu was copied from the user profile view. We should (a) rename it to "Home project" and (b) don't show that menu option when we're already viewing the home project.
I would get rid of "deactivate user" from this menu as well, since we can navigate to the account settings. And rename "account settings" to "user account" or "user profile".
The description HTML should have been sanitized (we did this already in redux) so it should be rendered here.
Let's shrink the whitespace around the properties a bit.
There is a huge amount of whitespace here for no properties and no description, how can we shrink that?
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
From discussion:
The properties and and description lines should have a max-height, with a toggle arrow on the left that expands them to full height.
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-02-14 sprint to Development 2024-02-28 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Related to Idea #21509: Details not available for home project added
Updated by Lisa Knox about 1 year ago
The following commits from #21386 were improperly attributed to ticket #21224 :
- c6215a9818ef18c35df66488e0d80074b0631a34
- 9aefffe7db795c8b4aacfc8c2dbfc2eab17ad363
- 0bbc879707665f316892387570182d1d2209e91c
- fe65b9e7f45f69ccd9c73ca6cf220cd544512d0a
- a8915904f23325c5c6e465164bc032e0dabc4229
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-02-28 sprint to Development 2024-03-13 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-03-13 sprint to Development 2024-03-27 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-03-27 sprint to Development 2024-04-10 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 11 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-04-10 sprint to Development 2024-04-24 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 11 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-04-24 sprint to Development 2024-05-08 sprint
Updated by Lisa Knox 11 months ago
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #769
Isn't this supposed to show the first line or sentence of the description?
Can we reduce the top/bottom padding on the title and description to try to shorten the box a bit?
fixed, and reduced overall whitespace in general
I was really confused about what the "Project" option did, until I realized this menu was copied from the user profile view. We should (a) rename it to "Home project" and (b) don't show that menu option when we're already viewing the home project.
I would get rid of "deactivate user" from this menu as well, since we can navigate to the account settings. And rename "account settings" to "user account" or "user profile".
done and done
The description HTML should have been sanitized (we did this already in redux) so it should be rendered here.
Notes:- There is now a single global `selectedResourceUuid` which is used to populate the details panel and to determine which resource has context for the multiselect toolbar. This will likely be useful in #21615 as well. The details card itself uses the URL UUID to determine what to show.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 11 months ago
- File project-details.png project-details.png added
- File this-project-is.png this-project-is.png added
- File bananaprj.png bananaprj.png added
- File user-project-missing-i.png user-project-missing-i.png added
Home project of another user¶
When looking at a home project of another user, it needs the (i)
Can we also change the order of the toolbar looking at a user home project to
- info
- user account
- API details
"attributes" is redundant and should be removed, the information it has should all be available on user account or API details views.
Regular project¶
Is it possible to limit rendering the left chevron for description/properties to situations where it actually needs to be expanded to show everything?
For some reason the toolbar is smushed over to the right (actually, glancing at the CSS it seems the toolbar is limited to 39.5rem width), so most of the buttons are in the overflow menu.
Also, the description is
- cut off, when it could easily fit on one line
- not rendering bold and italics, this is what it is supposed to look like
Right side project details¶
Let's re-order project details to:
- Type
- Owner
- Created at
- Last modified
- Last modified by user (
field) - Description
- Properties
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-05-08 sprint to Development 2024-05-22 sprint
Updated by Lisa Knox 10 months ago
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #825
When looking at a home project of another user, it needs the
Can we also change the order of the toolbar...
"attributes" is redundant and should be removed...
Is it possible to limit rendering the left chevron for description/properties to situations where it actually needs to be expanded to show everything?
For some reason the toolbar is smushed over to the right...
This actually came from a discussion we had to limit the toolbar to 3 menu items. Not sure if it was sprint review or the Roche wb2 meeting or what, but width restriction is removed now.
Also, the description is
- cut off, when it could easily fit on one line
I wasn't actually able to reproduce this locally, but I set the min-width property which should fix it.
- not rendering bold and italics...
Let's re-order project details...
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-05-22 sprint to Development 2024-06-05 sprint
Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago
- File thisismyproject.png thisismyproject.png added
- File crossoutwidth.png crossoutwidth.png added
- File properdescription.png properdescription.png added
I'm still getting the issue with the description wrapping prematurely. I'm using Firefox.
It seems that removing 'width' entirely may fix it?
Everything else looks good!
Updated by Lisa Knox 9 months ago
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #867
I'm still not able to replicate the width display bug locally, and have tried different browsers trying to do so. I removed the width property and I also noticed a small UI bug (the height of the card would change when toggling the description even when the description was only one line), which I fixed and then added a test for.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 9 months ago
- File MoreOptionsCutOff.png MoreOptionsCutOff.png added
Lisa Knox wrote in #note-26:
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #867
I'm still not able to replicate the width display bug locally, and have tried different browsers trying to do so. I removed the width property and I also noticed a small UI bug (the height of the card would change when toggling the description even when the description was only one line), which I fixed and then added a test for.
The description is formatting correctly now, thank you.
I am super happy with this, I think people are really going to like it.
I only found one small graphical glitch. With some combinations of growing/shrinking the window the "More Options" chevron can get cut off a bit. However, if it takes more than a couple minutes to fix, I'd prefer you merged as is than endlessly tinker with it any more.
Updated by Lisa Knox 9 months ago
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #878
Adjusted right margin to fix
Updated by Anonymous 9 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|89fc1810ba39a7a0aebccba690c7bc663bca8c0b.