Bug #21305
Delist outdated documentation pages from search engines
Added by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago.
Updated 9 months ago.
Release relationship:
When building pages other than the latest one, we should add <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
to pages for older versions. This is because our analytics show a lot of users are showing up at old versions of pages. Although we have a popup telling people they're looking at an old version, many people don't load the current version.
- Description updated (diff)
Various branches:
- Adds matomo tracking to arvados.org
21305-doc-maintenance @ 1ce5e9e86f6387a77fe90b8ccd2f87d17b0288de
- Adds a "latest_version" config option, if the current site isn't the same as "latest" then it gets "meta robots noindex" so it gets hidden from search results
- Refactors google analytics and matomo a bit
curii Saltstack¶
21305-doc-latest-version a98493933ea41a886b38166c219cf76d5e36a54b
- Add "latest_version" to update-doc.arvados.org script
- Also comments out the "public-site-piwik" cherry-pick, it's incorporated into the doc build. All the release branches will be patched to match.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-17 sprint to Development 2024-01-03 sprint
- Assigned To set to Peter Amstutz
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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