



Bug #21321


R SDK install is flaky - stringi doesn't download completely

Added by Brett Smith about 1 year ago. Updated 9 months ago.

Assigned To:
Story points:
Release relationship:


It looks like one of our dependencies, stringi, is unusually large and doesn't always successfully download. I'm not sure what, if anything, we can do about that.

======= install sdk/R
Loading required namespace: devtools
Loading required namespace: roxygen2
Loading required namespace: markdown
Loading required namespace: XML
rlang      (0.4.10 -> 1.1.2 ) [CRAN]
cli        (2.3.0  -> 3.6.2 ) [CRAN]
vctrs      (0.3.6  -> 0.6.5 ) [CRAN]
stringi    (1.5.3  -> 1.8.3 ) [CRAN]
magrittr   (2.0.1  -> 2.0.3 ) [CRAN]
lifecycle  (0.2.0  -> 1.0.4 ) [CRAN]
glue       (1.4.2  -> 1.6.2 ) [CRAN]
ps         (1.5.0  -> 1.7.5 ) [CRAN]
processx   (3.4.5  -> 3.8.3 ) [CRAN]
callr      (3.5.1  -> 3.7.3 ) [CRAN]
R6         (2.5.0  -> 2.5.1 ) [CRAN]
withr      (2.4.1  -> 2.5.2 ) [CRAN]
rprojroot  (2.0.2  -> 2.0.4 ) [CRAN]
pkgbuild   (1.2.0  -> 1.4.3 ) [CRAN]
fs         (1.5.0  -> 1.6.3 ) [CRAN]
desc       (1.2.0  -> 1.4.3 ) [CRAN]
crayon     (1.4.0  -> 1.5.2 ) [CRAN]
yaml       (2.2.1  -> 2.3.8 ) [CRAN]
xfun       (0.20   -> 0.41  ) [CRAN]
highr      (0.8    -> 0.10  ) [CRAN]
evaluate   (0.14   -> 0.23  ) [CRAN]
cpp11      (NA     -> 0.4.7 ) [CRAN]
xml2       (1.3.2  -> 1.3.6 ) [CRAN]
stringr    (1.4.0  -> 1.5.1 ) [CRAN]
purrr      (0.3.4  -> 1.0.2 ) [CRAN]
pkgload    (1.1.0  -> 1.3.3 ) [CRAN]
knitr      (1.31   -> 1.45  ) [CRAN]
commonmark (1.7    -> 1.9.0 ) [CRAN]
brew       (1.0-6  -> 1.0-10) [CRAN]
roxygen2   (7.1.1  -> 7.2.3 ) [CRAN]
Installing 30 packages: rlang, cli, vctrs, stringi, magrittr, lifecycle, glue, ps, processx, callr, R6, withr, rprojroot, pkgbuild, fs, desc, crayon, yaml, xfun, highr, evaluate, cpp11, xml2, stringr, purrr, pkgload, knitr, commonmark, brew, roxygen2
Installing packages into ‘/home/jenkins/tmp/R_LIBS’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 763521 bytes (745 KB)
downloaded 745 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 569771 bytes (556 KB)
downloaded 556 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 969066 bytes (946 KB)
downloaded 946 KB

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 11917752 bytes (11.4 MB)
downloaded 9.2 MB

Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) : 
  (converted from warning) downloaded length 9617408 != reported length 11917752
Error in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available,  : 
  (converted from warning) download of package ‘stringi’ failed
Calls: <Anonymous> ... with_envvar -> force -> force -> i.p -> download.packages
Execution halted
======= sdk/R install -- FAILED


Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #21513: Review 21321-cran-mirrorResolvedTom Clegg02/15/2024Actions

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Arvados - Feature #21494: Get Java and R SDKs out of the critical path of main branch buildsResolvedBrett SmithActions
Has duplicate Arvados - Bug #21498: CRAN package download failures causing test failuresDuplicateActions
Actions #1

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #21498: CRAN package download failures causing test failures added
Actions #2

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

  • Related to Feature #21494: Get Java and R SDKs out of the critical path of main branch builds added
Actions #3

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

This has been happening more frequently lately, it's getting aggravating.

Actions #4

Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 months ago


  1. Are there mirrors we can use?
  2. Can we use a HTTP proxy to cache packages?
  3. Are some of these packages available in Debian and can be pre-installed on the worker?
Actions #5

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

Peter Amstutz wrote in #note-4:

  1. Are there mirrors we can use? - Using would probably be a good start. Basically all the mirrors are academic, which is kind of heartwarming but also, um, makes this problem make more sense. If I had to pick a single one I would expect to be most reliable, probably OSUOSL.

Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 months ago

  • Target version changed from Future to Development 2024-02-28 sprint
Actions #7

Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 months ago

  • Assigned To set to Brett Smith
Actions #8

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

21321-cran-mirror @ 30a07d66f784564de0817dd5fae7a82f5a3928b1 - developer-run-tests: #4044

This does every part of the ticket that can be done in the repo. Anything else would be an ops task.

The branch checklist: literally all it does is change one URL string, no change in scale, no compatibility considerations, there is no R style guide, there is no UI, I am trying to abbreviate this and I have already typed more than appears in the diff.

Actions #9

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

Peter Amstutz wrote in #note-4:

  1. Are some of these packages available in Debian and can be pre-installed on the worker?

sdk/R/install_deps.R is a little script that checks if it can load each dependency, and installs it if not. Our dependencies are packaged:

$ for pkg in devtools roxygen2 knitr markdown xml; do apt search "r-cran-$pkg"; done
r-cran-devtools/stable,now 2.4.5-1 all [installed]
  Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier

r-cran-roxygen2/stable,now 7.2.3-1 amd64 [installed]
  in-line documentation for GNU R

r-cran-knitr/stable,now 1.42+dfsg-1 all [installed]
  GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming

r-cran-markdown/stable,now 1.5+dfsg-1 all [installed]
  GNU R package providing R bindings to the Sundown Markdown rendering library

r-cran-xml/stable,now 3.99-0.13-1 amd64 [installed]
  GNU R package for XML parsing and generation

So yes, this is an option, at least on bookworm. However, if we do this, it makes our test strategy for the R SDK different from every other SDK, where we resolve and install dependencies as part of the test. It would make the tests a little less valuable. I would want to at least run for a little while with the cloud mirror before we go that route.

Actions #10

Updated by Tom Clegg 12 months ago

Brett Smith wrote in #note-8:

21321-cran-mirror @ 30a07d66f784564de0817dd5fae7a82f5a3928b1 - developer-run-tests: #4044

This LGTM, thanks.

Actions #11

Updated by Brett Smith 12 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

With the work done between this and #21494, I think we can declare victory on this: CRAN failures are no longer a regular hurdle for branch review and merging. We can revisit some of the other ideas in this ticket later if desired but I don't think there's any immediate need for them.

Actions #12

Updated by Peter Amstutz 9 months ago

  • Release set to 70

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