



Idea #21356


Remove use of the future library across all our Python tools

Added by Brett Smith about 1 year ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Assigned To:
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Due date:
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This library was an aid for Python 2/3 compatibility and should no longer be needed. It is no longer maintained, so we need to clean this up to support more modern Python versions. None of our software should list it in install_requires.

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #21739: Review 21356-clean-importsResolvedPeter Amstutz05/01/2024Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

Actions #2

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

  • Description updated (diff)

The module has been updated to support Python 3.12, but they also announce this is the last release, so we should still excise it.

Actions #3

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

Actions #4

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

  • Target version changed from Future to Development 2024-05-08 sprint
  • Assigned To set to Brett Smith
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #5

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

21356-clean-imports @ 873fcf181c037cc1e42419bfeaf5bb70c9d9e239 - developer-run-tests: #4193 - failed only on #21660

  • All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
    • And then some. This removes all Python 2/3 compatibility imports: all usage of the future and siX compatibility libraries, as well as imports from __future__ and builtins that are noops under Python 3. After this branch, git grep -E '\b(from|import) +(__future__|builtins|future|six)\b' returns no results.
  • Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
    • N/A
  • Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
    • See above
  • Documentation has been updated.
    • N/A
  • Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
    • Probably slightly improves performance by avoiding list allocations where iteration is sufficient.
  • Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
    • Super technically every time I change basestring to str that's a potential compatibility break, because bytes also counts as basestring. However, in most cases I was able to convince myself that the code was only intended to handle str in Python 3 anyway, so that seemed like the clearest shift. There was one module deep in the CWL weeds where that wasn't true and so the checks became isinstance(x, (bytes, str)).
  • Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
    • Yes, and did some opportunistic imports cleanup to better follow PEP 8.
Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz 10 months ago

Brett Smith wrote in #note-5:

21356-clean-imports @ 873fcf181c037cc1e42419bfeaf5bb70c9d9e239 - developer-run-tests: #4193 - failed only on #21660

  • All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
    • And then some. This removes all Python 2/3 compatibility imports: all usage of the future and siX compatibility libraries, as well as imports from __future__ and builtins that are noops under Python 3. After this branch, git grep -E '\b(from|import) +(__future__|builtins|future|six)\b' returns no results.
  • Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
    • N/A
  • Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
    • See above
  • Documentation has been updated.
    • N/A
  • Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
    • Probably slightly improves performance by avoiding list allocations where iteration is sufficient.
  • Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
    • Super technically every time I change basestring to str that's a potential compatibility break, because bytes also counts as basestring. However, in most cases I was able to convince myself that the code was only intended to handle str in Python 3 anyway, so that seemed like the clearest shift. There was one module deep in the CWL weeds where that wasn't true and so the checks became isinstance(x, (bytes, str)).
  • Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
    • Yes, and did some opportunistic imports cleanup to better follow PEP 8.


Actions #7

Updated by Brett Smith 10 months ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Actions #8

Updated by Peter Amstutz 7 months ago

  • Release set to 70

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