Bug #21384
closedfaraday dependency can break new gem installs on Ruby 2.7
This is breaking test-provision-ubuntu2004:
Name: ruby - Function: pkg.installed - Result: Clean - Started: 21:18:08.026795 - Duration: 1170.701 ms Name: arvados-api-package-install-gems-deps-pkg-installed - Function: pkg.installed - Result: Changed - Started: 21:18:09.197889 - Duration: 17227.98 ms ---------- ID: arvados-api-package-install-gem-arvados-cli-installed Function: gem.installed Name: arvados-cli Result: False Comment: An exception occurred in this state: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/state.py", line 2423, in call ret = self.states[cdata["full"]]( File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 159, in __call__ ret = self.loader.run(run_func, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 1245, in run return self._last_context.run(self._run_as, _func_or_method, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 1260, in _run_as return _func_or_method(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 1293, in wrapper return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/states/gem.py", line 123, in installed if __salt__["gem.install"]( File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 159, in __call__ ret = self.loader.run(run_func, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 1245, in run return self._last_context.run(self._run_as, _func_or_method, *args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/loader/lazy.py", line 1260, in _run_as return _func_or_method(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/modules/gem.py", line 138, in install return _gem(["install"] + gems + options, ruby, gem_bin=gem_bin, runas=runas) File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/modules/gem.py", line 57, in _gem raise CommandExecutionError(ret["stderr"]) salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError: ERROR: Error installing arvados-cli: The last version of faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.2) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 3.0.2. Try installing it with `gem install faraday-net_http -v 3.0.2` and then running the current command again faraday-net_http requires Ruby version >= 3.0.0. The current ruby version is Started: 21:18:26.431321 Duration: 145526.479 ms Changes: Name: nginx - Function: service.mod_watch - Result: Changed - Started: 21:20:51.977148 - Duration: 41.252 ms Summary for local -------------- Succeeded: 138 (changed=100) Failed: 1 --------------
Per discussion with Tom, there are two ways to address the problem: either make sure we explicitly install arvados-google-api-client first, or else restate the acceptable version ranges in the rest of our Gemspecs.
I prefer the latter because I think it's easier to follow, document, and then remove when we don't need it anymore. Tom has no objection.
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
I tried adding what I believe are the correct pins (213575b7c547cb161525e5e46c85baa01746c748), building new development packages, and then rerunning test-provision-ubuntu2004. It failed the same way. I'm not sure whether that means I didn't fix the problem, or it means there's a problem with my testing strategy. Does the installer go get the gems from rubygems.org?
Updated by Tom Clegg about 1 year ago
I don't see anything in source:tools/salt-install or arvados-formula.git that hints at installing the arvados-cli gem from source, so I suspect the salt install does indeed only know how to install gems by downloading them from rubygems.org. In that case, it seems like testing this change involves publishing a prerelease version (2.7.2rc1?) to rubygems and specifying that version in the salt installer. Assuming that works, I suppose we would want the salt installer to choose "version 2.7.2rc1 or a newer non-prerelease version" but I don't know if it's even possible to specify that.
Updated by Tom Clegg about 1 year ago
(I don't think this is directly related, but) FYI I just now needed to update the arvados-cli / login-sync → arvados dependencies to unbreak the test suite on Ruby 3: 44c2f5790059f3ec0380fbdb659489d8b02831b9
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-01-31 sprint to Development 2024-02-14 sprint
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
- File focal-gem.dockerfile focal-gem.dockerfile added
- File bookworm-gem.dockerfile bookworm-gem.dockerfile added
21384-ruby27-gemspec @ 25a672f56ab03836ae54ee1d3af4ed9999ff164b
When I implemented Tom's initial suggestion, that just moved the goalposts: I got the same error against the faraday gem itself, rather than the transient dependency. So, I think we can just pin our faraday requirement directly. And, I think we can do that in arvados-google-api-client directly, and put up a new release of that, rather than updating multiple gems.
Here's how I tested. In your dev environment:
$ install -d -m 755 /tmp/gembuild $ env -C arvados/sdk/ruby-google-api-client gem build arvados-google-api-client.gemspec $ install -m 644 arvados/sdk/ruby-google-api-client/arvados-google-api-client- /tmp/gembuild/ $ docker build -f DIST-gem.dockerfile /tmp/gembuild $ docker run --rm -ti IMAGE_HASH
In the container, paste environment credentials from a cluster you can access, then run arv user current
as a quick test (or whatever other CLI SDK commands you want). For me, this test was successful on both focal (Ruby 2.7) and bookworm (Ruby 3.1), so I believe these changes smooth over installs on Ruby 2.7 without breaking Ruby 3.x.
- All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- Yes
- Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- N/A
- Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
- See above
- Documentation has been updated.
- I could update
in the gem but it's not clear who cares? It doesn't currently have any entries for fourth-digit version changes like this.
- I could update
- Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
- No change
- Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
- The
gems have a flexible enough requirement onarvados-google-api-client
that existing installs will remain satisfied without change. Thanks to that, this will only smooth over new installs. It does mean new installs on Ruby 3.x will get a slightly older faraday than they strictly "need," but I'm not aware of any concrete problem that would cause.
- The
- Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
- Yes
Updated by Tom Clegg about 1 year ago
new installs on Ruby 3.x will get a slightly older faraday than they strictly "need,"
Yeah, I think this is fine.
I notice we have faraday (2.7.10)
and faraday-net_http (3.0.2)
in source:services/api/Gemfile.lock. Perhaps we should update that to arvados-google-api-client once it's published? That would give us a bit more test coverage with faraday 2.8, and I suppose a bit more reassurance bundler can figure this out.
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
Tom Clegg wrote in #note-6:
I notice we have
faraday (2.7.10)
andfaraday-net_http (3.0.2)
in source:services/api/Gemfile.lock. Perhaps we should update that to arvados-google-api-client once it's published? That would give us a bit more test coverage with faraday 2.8, and I suppose a bit more reassurance bundler can figure this out.
Leaving this ticket open to look into this after we have test-provision-ubuntu2004 passing again.
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
Brett Smith wrote in #note-8:
Leaving this ticket open to look into this after we have test-provision-ubuntu2004 passing again.
Which it is: test-provision-ubuntu2004: #764
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
21384-version-pins @ 10a7bcff702d5c9cddccba24a9d3ea4173ada625 - developer-run-tests: #4024
This makes the aforementioned change of updating RailsAPI's dependency on arvados-google-api-client. It also includes #21406 and #21454, which fit the theme of "modernizing the dependency versions we declare" and are all small enough I felt like it made sense to bundle and test them together than to put up a branch for each one.
- All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- Yes
- Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- N/A
- Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
- See above
- Documentation has been updated.
- I would argue updating the gemspecs and setup.py files is updating the documentation. Bigger documentation changes are expected to be done as part of #21388.
- Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
- No scale change
- Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
- This intentionally removes support for older Rubies and Pythons in line with our intended support policy. It's simply formalizing how we already think about and treat these packages.
- Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
- Yes
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
Tom Clegg wrote in #note-11:
21384-version-pins LGTM, thanks.
Merged a slightly modified version that declares python_requires
for crunchstat-summary and user-activity as well.
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|53979c43b770d9cc26cdfa55799de90292cb82f9.
Updated by Brett Smith about 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #21583: Running RailsAPI with Passenger implicity requires Ruby 3.3 via base64 0.2.0 lock added