Idea #21509
closedDetails not available for home project
I had my home project open in Workbench and I wanted to copy the UUID to paste it into a CLI tool. So I pressed the "Additional info" button.
I expected to get the usual side panel available for most projects, with the button to copy the UUID.
Instead I got a functionally empty pane saying "Select a file or folder to view its details."
I understand the reason for this is because the "home project" isn't really a project. I understand it may not have all the same API details we show for real projects. But it does have enough overlap I think this pane should be able to show some useful information, like the UUID with the copy button that I was looking for.
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
Lisa is working on project details right now which includes the home project, so it should be covered there #21224
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 year ago
- Related to Feature #21224: Project details panel added