Idea #21544
openConvenient way to copy keep: URIs
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Story points:
I was doing some workflow development and needed to get keep: URIs for some files. This was difficult to do in Workbench:
- The existing copy action for files gives you a keep-web HTTPS URL. Since it identifies the collection by UUID rather than PDH, you can't even really edit it into a keep: URI with search-and-replace.
- You have to copy the PDH and file path separately.
- As far as I can tell the only way to copy a filename is by highlighting it in the file listing and using the browser's copy action. But even this is annoying because after you're done highlighting Workbench treats that as an open action, opening the file in keep-web in a new tab, disrupting what you were doing.
I won't purport to design the feature but I would like some easier way to get a keep: URI for a collection/directory/file.
Updated by Brett Smith 8 months ago
- Related to Feature #21941: Context menu option on collection files to get a link with the PDH and link directly to keep-web added
Updated by Brett Smith 6 months ago
- Related to Feature #22138: Collection context menu should offer all the same "copy to clipboard" actions as files/directories inside it added