Bug #21571
Documentation should call it "arv-mount" rather than "FUSE Driver"
Added by Brett Smith 11 months ago.
Updated 9 months ago.
"FUSE Driver" is a meaningless name to people who don't know what "FUSE" is, which is most people. The documentation should refer to the tool as "arv-mount" as much as possible, since that's a distinctive tool name and more people understand what a "mount" is generally (not a ton more, but still). If necessary the documentation can explain that arv-mount is implemented using FUSE, but that shouldn't be an identifier.
- Subject changed from Documentation should prefer to refer to "arv-mount" rather than "FUSE Driver" to Documentation should call it "arv-mount" rather than "FUSE Driver"
- Target version set to Development 2024-03-27 sprint
- Assigned To set to Brett Smith
- Target version changed from Development 2024-03-27 sprint to Development 2024-04-10 sprint
- Target version changed from Development 2024-04-10 sprint to Development 2024-04-24 sprint
- Target version changed from Development 2024-04-24 sprint to Development 2024-05-08 sprint
- Target version changed from Development 2024-05-08 sprint to Development 2024-05-22 sprint
- Target version changed from Development 2024-05-22 sprint to Future
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