Bug #21648
openGroup list, group members, and permissions have multi-select check boxes but no multi-select operations
Story points:
Group data table:
- Clicking on a single item doesn't select it
- Checking a single box brings up the toolbar for a project, which is different from the actions offered by the right-click menu
- Checking multiple boxes offers "Move to" and "Trash" but "Move to" isn't allowed for groups
Group members data table:
- Clicking on a row doesn't select it
- Multi-select does not have a toolbar
- Has no right-click menu at all
- At minimum it should offer a "Remove" operation if the user has manage permission. It should not offer it if the user does not.
Group permissions:
- If there are no permissions, it just says "Loading data" (I think that's what is happening)
- Clicking on the row doesn't select it
- Multi-select does not display a toolbar
- Has no right-click menu at all
Updated by Peter Amstutz 11 months ago
- Related to Feature #21448: Reorder and group context menu/toolbar added