Bug #21878
openPackage build time doubled after #21863
build-packages-ubuntu2204: #270 took 23 minutes
build-packages-ubuntu2204: #271 merged #21863 and took 42 minutes. Build times have been consistent with that since.
This is, um, not expected since the point of #21863 was to build fewer packages. If anything it should've shaved off a little time. Investigate and try to find a resolution.
Updated by Brett Smith 9 months ago
- Related to Feature #21863: Investigate python3-cwltest package and remove it if possible added
Updated by Brett Smith 9 months ago
Updated by Brett Smith 9 months ago
I might have filed this prematurely. There are plenty of builds before #21863 that take ~40 minutes:
build-packages-ubuntu2204: #265
build-packages-ubuntu2204: #257
build-packages-ubuntu2204: #247
Since we have code that tries not to rebuild packages if we don't need to, package build time often seems to be a function of how many packages need to be rebuilt. A lot of recent merge scripts have changed the build scripts, which means rebuilding everything, which means more time. Once things settle down and we start seeing a few merges that only affect single packages, hopefully we'll see times come back down.