



Bug #21947


Release Arvados 2.7.4

Added by Peter Amstutz 8 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Assigned To:
Story points:
Release relationship:

Subtasks 28 (0 open28 closed)

Task #21948: 1. Prepare X.Y-staging branchResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21949: 2. Update the "Upgrading Arvados and Release notes" doc page (main and release branch), update, formula and arvbox to point to releaseResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21950: 3. Ensure that developer-run-tests and developer-run-tests-doc-sdk-java-R are passing on JenkinsResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21951: 4. Review release branchResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21952: 5. Draft release notes and publish them to www-devResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21953: 6. Review release notesResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21954: 7. Create next redmine releaseResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21955: 8. Build RC packagesResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21956: 9. Build RC arvados/jobs imageResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21957: 10. Test installer formula / provision scripts with RC packagesResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21958: 11. Build compute image & deploy RC packages to playgroundResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21959: 12. Run CWL conformance tests (jenkins) and bam-to-vcf demo pipeline (playground)Resolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21960: 13. Manual testingResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21961: 14. Approve RC for releaseResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21962: 15. Build final release packagesResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21963: 16. Publish stable arvados/jobs Docker imageResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21964: 17. Push packages to stableResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21965: 18. Publish Python and Ruby packagesResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21966: 19. Publish Java packageResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21967: 20. Publish R packageResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21968: 21. Publish arvados/arvbox-demo imageResolved07/22/2024Actions
Task #21969: 22. Tag commits, fast-forward X.Y-release branch to match X.Y-stagingResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21970: 23. Ensure is up to dateResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21971: 24. Update pirca and jutro to stable releaseResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21972: 25. Merge release notes (step 6) from "develop" to "main" on arvados.orgResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21973: 26. Send out release announcementsResolved07/09/2024Actions
Task #21974: 27. Major releases only: Copy "run-tests" jobs in jenkinsResolved07/08/2024Actions
Task #21975: 28. Add the release to zenodo.orgResolved07/08/2024Actions
Actions #2

Updated by Peter Amstutz 8 months ago

  • Release set to 73
Actions #3

Updated by Brett Smith 8 months ago

2.7-staging @ d126789275326f15b16b06e8c9bef7834bb7946f

This is not a big deal but it feels a little weird to me that we're making sure to make a bunch of notes explaining that we dropped support for CentOS 7, but not say a word about us dropping support for CentOS 8 (even though it's also being removed from the support table).

In doc/_includes/_supportedlinux.liquid:

-Arvados packages are published for current Debian releases (until the EOL date), current Ubuntu LTS releases (until the end of standard support), and the latest version of CentOS.
+Arvados packages are published for current Debian releases (until the EOL date), current Ubuntu LTS releases (until the end of standard support), and the latest version of Red Hat Enterpise Linux (RHEL) and compatible distributions such as Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux.
This whole sentence is gone from main in 9bc11101434c1b0e910d578f0eb429951e188ee2, because the commitments for Debian and Ubuntu are also not factual. I suggest if you're going to touch this, you might as well do the same and delete it entirely.

In doc/install/packages.html.textile.liquid:

-<a id="centos7" style="display: none;"></a>
+<a id="redhat" style="display: none;"></a>
The main header has already been updated to use "redhat", see below. This anchor exists purely for backwards compatibility with a previous header id. I suggest you leave it unchanged. If it offends you, then it should be deleted entirely.

This was an issue in 2.7.3 but I happened to notice because it's the anchor commit: consider cherry-picking d277aa93a9a0021227f50de488ae2bef61a2561f, it fixes a bug in 62a9c49afdbb219b40789d43306a4dba62263b85. I think it only affects caching builds so not huge, but still.

Actions #4

Updated by Brett Smith 8 months ago

Pushed some copyedits to the release notes. Beyond that, just my same comment about explaining CentOS 7/8 support applies.

Actions #6

Updated by Peter Amstutz 8 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

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