



Idea #22113


Add keyboard navigation to Workbench2

Added by Lisa Knox 5 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

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When a user logs into Workbench2, they should be able to highlight table rows in the data explorer by using the up/down keys and scroll to the left/right with those keys. They can press spacebar to select the highlighted table row, which would bring up the multiselect toolbar. The first button in that toolbar would be highlighted, and the user could use the left/right keys to select an option, OR they could press down to move back to the data explorer and select another item. It might be easier to use the context menu rather than the multiselect toolbar, but I think ultimately there should be a way to use either.

We should also add support for hotkeys to Workbench2. This package from Vercel looks like a good candidate: It operates with a system of k/v pairs where the key is a string representing the button(s) being listened for and the value is a callback that executes when the keypress is heard. It also has a built in way to "record" keypresses so the user could customize their hotkeys. I could see a system of "cascading" hotkeys, where we create a set of all hotkey functions that we want to support, and then our own default set of hotkeys mapped to those functions. Any of these can be overridden by an organization (by an admin) with a hotkeys.json file, similarly to how we implemented the banner.html system. Any of these could be overridden further by an individual user, with something like personalhotkeys.json or something.

In the Collection and Process details views, the user should be able to to quickly navigate from on card to the next with hotkeys, perhaps ctrl+up/down. A user could start/stop a workflow run with a hotkey, open the details panel, highlight the breadcrumbs and use left/right to navigate to one, etc. An exhaustive list of what functions we want to support with hotkeys should be compiled beforehand. The goal is to be able to do much or even most of what users do on Workbench2 without using a mouse or trackpad, speeding up the user workflows and modernizing the user experience.

Actions #1

Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago

  • Target version set to Future

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