Bug #22115
Collection's versions browser at the right-side bar is not accesible on the collection viewer
Added by Lucas Di Pentima 5 months ago.
Updated 4 months ago.
Release relationship:
Steps to reproduce:
- Log into workbench and click on a collection
- In the details panel click on the version number link
- The right-side bar will appear showing the details of the parent project
- Log into workbench and click on a collection
- Navigate to the desired collection's parent project
- Click on the data explorer row belonging to the desired collection
- Click on the "View details" action bar if the right-side bar isn't already visible
- The collection details and versions tabs should be visible (and also will continue to be visible if loading the collection page)
- Assigned To set to Lisa Knox
- Target version changed from Development 2024-09-25 sprint to Development 2024-10-09 sprint
- Status changed from New to In Progress
22115-collection-version-browser @ 44c6b224ded19cd6e5297dbf7311f7bb34ee31bf
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #1201 
- ✅ All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- - Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- ✅ Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
Tried to reproduce bug manually
- - Documentation has been updated.
- ✅ Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
Intended scale is a single user viewing a single collection.
- ✅ Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
No changes
- ✅ Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
This seems to still have a bug - when I navigate to a collection and click the version number it opens the details panel for the parent project. Only selecting the checkbox for the collection while viewing the parent project before navigating to the collection and clicking on the version number gets the version history to show up.
22115-collection-version-browser @ 7ab9a62c849d21198ac05854d1d30c7347625eb
developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #1206 
I fixed the bug, then adjusted my fix to get the tests to pass, and didn't notice that in doing so I re-introduced the original bug. Should be good now.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
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