Bug #22172
closed"CANCEL" menu item is all caps, looks weird
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The context menu for a running process lists the "CANCEL" action in all caps. I saw this on pirca, but it seems to come from source:services/workbench2/src/components/multiselect-toolbar/ms-menu-actions.ts and still be true in main:
This seems weird to me. I'm not aware of anything else in Workbench that does this. If we want to emphasize the destructiveness of this action, it seems like it would be more appropriate to use color and/or have a confirmation dialog.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 5 months ago
- Target version set to Development 2024-11-06 sprint
Updated by Stephen Smith 5 months ago
Changes at arvados|6dca2d4c6fd19a6979b763592f5166515df5eaa6 branch 22172-cancel-button-capitalization
Tests developer-run-tests-services-workbench2: #1323
- All agreed upon points are implemented / addressed.
- Changed all instances of cancel menu option capitalization to "Cancel"
- I left the cancel button next to the status badge as all caps since that's not next to other menu options
- Anything not implemented (discovered or discussed during work) has a follow-up story.
- none
- Code is tested and passing, both automated and manual, what manual testing was done is described
- passed normal tests
- Documentation has been updated.
- n/a
- Behaves appropriately at the intended scale (describe intended scale).
- no change
- Considered backwards and forwards compatibility issues between client and server.
- no change
- Follows our coding standards and GUI style guidelines.
- no significant ui changes
Updated by Stephen Smith 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved