Bug #22198
closedGet rid of 'href` in response
I observed that several endpoints (users, collections) don't return the documented 'href' field. It seems likely they have not returned this field for a long time (since controller started intercepting these requests), but nobody noticed because nobody relies on it.
On the other hand, some endpoints (workflows, groups) do still return 'href'.
The 'href' field is a synthetic field (not stored in the database) and not very useful because it contains information that can be inferred from the 'uuid' field. (In theory, it could be useful for writing a generic client that doesn't need to understand how the arvados uuid scheme maps to API endpoints, but we've never wanted to do anything like that in practice.)
This was overlooked in the previous cleanup ticket, but the time to make API changes like this is now, before the 3.0 release.
We can save a few bytes if we get rid of this field from the response entirely.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
- Related to Feature #15397: Declutter the API added
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-10-23 sprint to Development 2024-11-06 sprint
Updated by Tom Clegg 4 months ago
22198-remove-href-field @ 253d83eea517a51c423a549c9dff98f7b2c2195d -- developer-run-tests: #4521
22198-remove-href-field @ 734233abadd519e619d4ac2e08964ddc907731de -- developer-run-tests: #4523
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
22198-remove-href-field @ 75d9f4fe8d2f2e5fb5a961ebaef62738030d3dce -- developer-run-tests: #4524
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
22198-remove-href-field @ 2fc849b563781f80c1e168cd0e3b27893e8c8c11 -- developer-run-tests: #4527
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
This LGTM.
It looks like the href
field was never documented. It never appeared in the discovery doc (?) or the online API documentation. It was picked up in code because people were working off the actual API responses and not the documented API responses, so I think bringing those in line (in this case by eliminating the undocumented field) is a good improvement.
Updated by Tom Clegg 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Applied in changeset arvados|2fd289970fdd9659edd57b89e882ce9820bd9c2c.