Bug #22293
openFlaky workbench tests
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Different test failures on the same commit. Passed on retry:
14:56:10 [0m 1) Project Details Card tests 14:56:10 should toggle description display: 14:56:10 [0m[31m CypressError: Timed out retrying after 4000ms: `cy.contains()` failed because it requires a DOM element, window or document.
20:03:39 Running: [90mviews-components/context-menu/actions/[39m [90m(75 of 77)[39m 20:03:40 20:03:40 [0m[0m 20:03:41 [31m 1) An uncaught error was detected outside of a test[0m 20:03:41 20:03:41 [92m [0m[32m 0 passing[0m[90m (238ms)[0m 20:03:41 [31m 1 failing[0m 20:03:41 20:03:41 [0m 1) An uncaught error was detected outside of a test: 20:03:41 [0m[31m ChunkLoadError: The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress. 20:03:41 20:03:41 > Loading chunk cypress-support-file failed. 20:03:41 (error: http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/cypress-support-file.js) 20:03:41 20:03:41 When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your test code it will automatically fail the current test. 20:03:41 20:03:41 Cypress could not associate this error to any specific test. 20:03:41 20:03:41 We dynamically generated a new test to display this failure.[0m[90m 20:03:41 at __webpack_require__.f.j (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:10646:29) 20:03:41 at <unknown> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:10434:40) 20:03:41 at Array.reduce (<anonymous>) 20:03:41 at __webpack_require__.e (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:10433:67) 20:03:41 at Object.load (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/src/main.js:490:526) 20:03:41 at <unknown> (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:110836:21) 20:03:41 at tryCatcher (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23) 20:03:41 at Object.gotValue (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:6476:18) 20:03:41 at Object.gotAccum (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:6465:25) 20:03:41 at Object.tryCatcher (http://localhost:8080/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:1807:23) 20:03:41 [0m
Updated by Peter Amstutz about 1 month ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-11-20 to Development 2024-12-04
Updated by Peter Amstutz 17 days ago
- Target version changed from Development 2024-12-04 to Development 2025-01-08