Support #22304
closeddeveloper-run-tests and automated run-tests assign test jobs to nodes the same way
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Story points:
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to New
- Category set to CI
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
Updated by Peter Amstutz 4 months ago
- Subject changed from developer-run-tests and automated run-tests should run the same jobs to developer-run-tests and automated run-tests assign test jobs to nodes the same way
Updated by Brett Smith 4 months ago
- Has duplicate Idea #21976: Sync Jenkins run-test definition with developer-run-tests (?) added
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima 4 months ago
- Assigned to the run-tests pipeline the same set of sub-jobs as developer-run-tests to avoid duplicated pipelines.
- I figured that while individual sub-job histories will get messier in the sense that both developer and merged commits will get included, we can still track failures by just looking at their parent job's history. I think it's a good compromise to get things simpler on the managing side while still having a way of tracking failures based on the parent jobs.
- Jenkins cleanup of disabled and unused jobs
- Arvados Pipeline Jobs
- diagnostics-ce8i5
- deploy-workbench2-to-tordo
- deploy-workbench2-to-ce8i5
- deploy-workbench2-to-9tee4
- workbench2-run-tests
- workbench2-build-packages
- deploy-to-9tee4
- deploy-to-ce8i5
- run-tests-federation
- build-composer-rc-packages
- run-tests-services-nodemanager
- Packer Images
- compute-image-cleaner-ce8i5
- compute-image-cleaner-su92l
- Diagnostics
- diagnostics-su92l
- diagnostics-9tee4
- Performance
- performance-suite-4xphq
- qr1hi-automated-performance-suite
- Developer
- developer-diagnostics-9tee4
- developer-run-tests-services-nodemanager
- developer-tests-k8s-GKE
- developer-tests-k8s-minikube
- Deploy production cwlviewer (
- Deploy staging cwlviewer (
- run-cwl-test-9tee4-old-unused
- run-cwl-test-c97qk
- run-cwl-test-ce8i5-old-unused
- Deploy
- deploy-to-4xphq
- deploy-to-c97qk
- Arvados Pipeline Jobs
Potential follow-up tasks¶
- Deleting the unused
subjobs - Renaming
so that they don't include the word "developer" as they're being used on different main pipelines. (I haven't done this yet because it would break some links from recent/in-progress tickets, and that might be annoying so I left that for further discussion)
Updated by Brett Smith 4 months ago
Lucas Di Pentima wrote in #note-7:
- Assigned to the run-tests pipeline the same set of sub-jobs as developer-run-tests to avoid duplicated pipelines.
- I figured that while individual sub-job histories will get messier in the sense that both developer and merged commits will get included, we can still track failures by just looking at their parent job's history. I think it's a good compromise to get things simpler on the managing side while still having a way of tracking failures based on the parent jobs.
I agree, this LGTM. Thanks.
Updated by Lucas Di Pentima 4 months ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved