Feature #22338
openIdeas for updating info panel for collections
Example here of low hanging fruit: https://blog.dnanexus.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/Blog-project-info-1024x484.png
1) reorganize to put most important information first
2) Use color/font size to emphasis some important things
3) tags placed in their own box so you can scroll within box to see full list of tags - or perhaps drop down to expand
Things that are a little more work:
1) use less wording - for example things like name and size and number of files don't need a label
2) combine information together such as UUID and PDH, or maybe size and files?
3) relabel information so it makes sense to general user --> head version : this one is phrased oddly,
4) put edit button somewhere that looks less awkward
Updated by Sarah Zaranek 2 months ago
Also add missing information like "linked to process" which might be phrased better. Shown in header but not info panel.
Updated by Peter Amstutz 2 months ago
- Related to Feature #22333: Collection page details reworked to match new project page design added