



Support #22510


Release Arvados 3.1.0

Added by Peter Amstutz about 1 month ago. Updated about 23 hours ago.

Assigned To:
Target version:
Due date:
Story points:
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Subtasks 30 (29 open1 closed)

Task #22511: 1. Prepare X.Y-staging branchNewActions
Task #22512: 2. Build and test new tordo compute node, update third-party package pin versionsResolvedBrett Smith03/14/2025Actions
Task #22513: 3. Update the "Upgrading Arvados and Release notes" doc page (main and release branch), update, formula and arvbox to point to releaseNewActions
Task #22514: 4. Ensure that developer-run-tests and developer-run-tests-doc-sdk-java-R are passing on JenkinsNewActions
Task #22515: 5. Review release branchNewActions
Task #22516: 6. Draft release notes and publish them to www-devIn Progress03/10/2025Actions
Task #22517: 7. Review release notesNewActions
Task #22518: 8. Create next redmine releaseNewActions
Task #22519: 9. Build RC packagesNewActions
Task #22520: 10. Build RC arvados/jobs imageNewActions
Task #22521: 11. Test installer formula / provision scripts with RC packagesNewActions
Task #22522: 12. Build compute image & deploy RC packages to playgroundNewActions
Task #22523: 13. Run CWL conformance tests (jenkins) and bam-to-vcf demo pipeline (playground)NewActions
Task #22524: 14. Manual testingNewActions
Task #22525: 15. Approve RC for releaseNewActions
Task #22526: 16. Build final release packagesNewActions
Task #22527: 17. Publish stable arvados/jobs Docker imageNewActions
Task #22528: 18. Push packages to stableNewActions
Task #22529: 19. Publish Python and Ruby packagesNewActions
Task #22530: 20. Publish Java packageNewActions
Task #22531: 21. Publish R packageNewActions
Task #22532: 22. Publish arvados/arvbox-demo imageNewActions
Task #22533: 23. Tag commits, fast-forward X.Y-release branch to match X.Y-stagingNewActions
Task #22534: 24. Ensure is up to dateNewActions
Task #22535: 25. Update pirca and jutro to stable releaseNewActions
Task #22536: 26. Merge release notes (step 6) from "develop" to "main" on arvados.orgNewActions
Task #22537: 27. Send out release announcementsNewActions
Task #22538: 28. Major releases only: Copy "run-tests" jobs in jenkinsNewActions
Task #22539: 29. Add the release to zenodo.orgNewActions
Task #22651: 6. Draft blog postIn Progress03/10/2025Actions

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