Idea #22555
openGeneral purpose arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing a collection
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Story points:
Currently we record provenance through things run in Crunch.
However, there are a number of operations where the transformation happens externally from crunch, where it would still be very useful to keep track of where the data came from. Some examples:
- Copying collections; extracting a subset of files to a new collection
- Converting docker images to singularity images
Updated by Peter Amstutz 16 days ago
- Subject changed from General purpose arv:origin or arv:source property to indicate a list of collections that contributed to producing another collection to General purpose arv:origin or arv:source property to indicate one or more collections that contributed to producing another collection
Updated by Peter Amstutz 16 days ago
- Subject changed from General purpose arv:origin or arv:source property to indicate one or more collections that contributed to producing another collection to General purpose arv:origin or arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing another collection
Updated by Peter Amstutz 16 days ago
- Subject changed from General purpose arv:origin or arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing another collection to General purpose arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing another collection
Updated by Peter Amstutz 16 days ago
- Subject changed from General purpose arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing another collection to General purpose arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing a collection
Updated by Peter Amstutz 12 days ago
- Related to Idea #22565: General purpose arv:depends property to indicate the data/code in a collection or object depends on other collections or objects added