Bug #22691
openFix python source package naming
This email is notifying you of an upcoming deprecation that we have determined may affect you as a result of your recent upload to 'arvados-cwl-runner'.
In the future, PyPI will require all newly uploaded source distribution filenames to comply with PEP 625. Any source distributions already uploaded will remain in place as-is and do not need to be updated.
Specifically, your recent upload of 'arvados-cwl-runner-3.1.0.tar.gz' is incompatible with PEP 625 because the filename does not contain the normalized project name 'arvados_cwl_runner'.
In most cases, this can be resolved by upgrading the version of your build tooling to a later version that supports PEP 625 and produces compliant filenames. You do not need to remove the file.
If you have questions, you can email admin@pypi.org to communicate with the PyPI admin@pypi.org to communicate with the PyPI administrators.
Same for arvados-python-client, arvados-user-activity, and arvados-cluster-activity.
Updated by Brett Smith 12 days ago
setuptools introduced a change in v69.3.0 and a bugfix in v70.2.0.
However, upgrading might require some adaptation to our build tooling too. In particular, anything that assumes the source package for $PACKAGE_NAME
gets built at ${PACKAGE_NAME}*.tar.gz
is going to break with this change, and will need to have similar name transformation added.