



Feature #2875


[Workbench] Editable description field for pipeline instances and templates

Added by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Assigned To:
Radhika Chippada
Target version:
Story points:


Augment the existing editable "description" field on the "show project" page.
  • Add a description attribute to the pipeline_instances and jobs models. (See Hacking API server)
  • Make an "editable name and description" partial so any object that has a description and name attributes automatically has the same editable name/description section at the top of the page as the current "show project" page.
  • Currently the instance#show page shows a misleading description taken from the pipeline template (see #3765). This will be less misleading if we:
    1. Do not show the template's description at all on the instance page.
    2. Do not show the template's name in the same location/style we usually use for properties of the current object. (Perhaps a <div class="alert alert-info"> in the top right corner would be better?)
    3. Add a phrase after the template name/link saying "(note: template has been modified since this instance was created)" when that's true

Also set an initial description field when creating a pipeline instance -- something like

Created using "{template name}" pipeline template on {date/time}

Ideally, arv-run-pipeline-instance should also set the description to something similar. (And accept a command line argument to override)

Note: #3036 adds a description attribute to PipelineInstance and Job (and a name attribute to Job). If #3036 isn't merged when you get started on this, take the 20140815171049_add_name_description_columns.rb migration from the 3036-collection-uuids branch instead of making a conflicting one.

Subtasks 6 (0 open6 closed)

Task #3039: Add description attribute to PipelineInstance modelResolvedRadhika Chippada09/15/2014Actions
Task #3191: Add editable title/description fields to pipeline template and pipeline instance pages, just like project pageResolvedRadhika Chippada09/15/2014Actions
Task #3765: [Workbench] Pipeline instance #show page should not show the _current_ template name/description in a misleading way (the template might have been edited beyond recognition since the instance was created)ResolvedRadhika Chippada09/15/2014Actions
Task #3867: Add description option to arv-run-pipeline-instance scriptResolvedRadhika Chippada09/15/2014Actions
Task #3868: Add / update integration tests to verify description for pipeline templates, instances, and jobs.ResolvedRadhika Chippada09/15/2014Actions
Task #3861: Review branch: 2875-pipeline-descriptionResolvedPeter Amstutz09/11/2014Actions

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