



Idea #3112


[Workbench] "Report bug on this page" and "Show version detail" buttons on each workbench page (footer or top nav or [?]), and more prominently on error pages.

Added by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Assigned To:
Radhika Chippada
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
Story points:


Finding it
  • Modal, always in DOM, menu items under "help" dropdown cause it to open
  • Menu items: "Show version / debugging info", "Report a problem"
    • First existing help links, then separator, then this new stuff
  • Render as a bootstrap form with static form inputs (plus hidden ones, so they actually get submitted)
  • Show workbench source_version (get this from application.yml)
  • Show workbench arvados_v1_base config
  • Show apiserver source_version (get this from discovery doc, which gets it from apiserver's application.yml)
  • Show apiserver discovery document generatedAt timestamp
  • Current page URI (with overflow=ellipsis) -- populate when showing modal, using window.location
  • If current page is an error page:
    • Current error message
    • Current api_response[:error_token]
  • Your user_uuid
  • Support email address (from workbench config)
  • If "report a problem" is how we got here, also reveal:
    • "Found a problem? Tell us what happened:" + textarea + "Report bug" button
    • "Cancel" button
  • else reveal a "Close" button
Error page
  • (Make sure the modal still works if current_user is nil)
  • Add a "More info / report problem..." button to the error page that brings up the "report" modal
  • AJAX
    • Disable "Report bug" button and change its text to "Sending..." during AJAX call
    • When AJAX succeeds, replace form with an info panel "Thanks for reporting!" and reveal the "Close" (close dialog) button
    • If AJAX fails, say something that acknowledges the irony like "Well, this is pretty embarrassing. I couldn't even submit your bug report! We really want this to work, though -- please do try again."
    • (I think there's something out there like "data-disable-with" that can do all the button text changing for us.)
  • Send email message from workbench (no API call)
  • Also log the submitted info to stderr
Add configs
  • apiserver source_version (and include this in the discovery doc as sourceVersion)
  • workbench source_version

Default in application.default.yml can be something like this, but we also want to know whether there are local modifications (i.e., does `git status -s` report anything?). If there are local modifications, abbreviate the commit sha1 to 20 characters and append "-modified"

  source_version: <%= `git show --format=%h` %>


itfeelssmallinhere.png (29.5 KB) itfeelssmallinhere.png Tom Clegg, 08/18/2014 07:43 PM
3112-button-margins.png (14.2 KB) 3112-button-margins.png No margin, extra padding on report alert Brett Smith, 08/25/2014 04:04 PM

Subtasks 12 (0 open12 closed)

Task #3268: version detailResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3431: [Workbench] We need a link / page to contact support in our topnav.ResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3574: Add source_version to api server configResolvedRadhika Chippada08/12/2014Actions
Task #3596: Add source_version and report email to workbench configResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3597: Add Report Issue Mailer to workbenchResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3598: Add report issue popupResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3599: Update workbench filter chaining to allow report issue popup and action propagation for no user, inactive user cases.ResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3600: Add integration tests for the new report issue linksResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3601: Add "report issue" button to 404 error pageResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3602: Perform the "report issue" action using ajaxResolvedRadhika Chippada08/14/2014Actions
Task #3606: Add "report issue" button to fiddlesticks error pageResolvedRadhika Chippada08/15/2014Actions
Task #3608: Review branch: 3112-report-bugResolvedBrett Smith08/15/2014Actions

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