



Idea #3153


[API] Configuration option to automatically set up users (VM, repository, invite)

Added by Ward Vandewege about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Assigned To:
Radhika Chippada
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
Story points:


Currently, after logging in for the first time (and assuming the user has not been pre-activated), a new user is in the "not invited" state: "wait for us to activate your account". An admin gets notified, and clicks the "Setup user" button on the users>show>admin tab and assigns a username / repository name.

New behavior: If apiserver is configured to auto-invite by setting auto_setup_new_users, in a before_filter that runs before send_admin_notifications,
  • Pick a username and repository name automatically (see below)
  • Do the same stuff the "setup new user" admin button does now:
    • Add a repository
    • Give the user write access to the repository
    • Give the user login access to an existing shell VM (auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid config variable -- if false, skip this step)
    • Add the user to the existing "all users" group
  • Do not send the "your account is now ready" email to the user during auto-invite. (It will be obvious!)
  • Send the notification email to the administrator as before, but add a phrase to new_user.text.erb indicating whether the new user has been setup.
Pick username / repository name:
  • use ascii part of the e-mail address before the @ sign if unique.
  • If not unique, add a number. Use this regular expression to sanitize the username:
    • str.match /^[_.A-Za-z0-9][-\@_.A-Za-z0-9]*\$?$/
  • If it is not already there, this should go into the repository model validation.
  • If email address is nil or empty or has nothing before the @ sign, skip auto-setup. (Admin will get an email notification saying the new user is not setup -- this is handled by existing code.)
Sanity-checking login/repo names (arvados, git, gitolite, gitolite-admin, root, syslog)
  • System login names are automatically excluded by the script that creates the shell users (it strips any logins that belong to users with ids < 1000).
  • Rails.configuration.auto_setup_name_blacklist
    • Default: arvados, git, gitolite, gitolite-admin, root, syslog
  • Check blacklist from the User auto-setup method while choosing a repository/login name.
Defaults for application.default.yml:
  • auto_setup_new_users: false
  • auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid: false
  • auto_setup_new_users_with_repository: false
    • Note in application.default.yml that auto_setup_new_users_with_* don't work until you turn on auto_setup_new_users.
  • Don't automatically re-setup users who have been unsetup by administrator (implementing as an after_create filter should take care of this)
  • Don't re-use existing repositories or login usernames.
    • Look up permission links (name=can_login, head_uuid=vm_uuid) and check properties['username']. If any match, this is not an acceptable name and we need to try again to make a unique name.
    • But do re-use existing VM!
  • Document existing new_users_are_active flag in the default config file (this skips the user agreement step)

Subtasks 1 (0 open1 closed)

Task #3643: Review branch: 3153-auto-setup-userResolvedTom Clegg08/20/2014Actions

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