Bug #3185
closedJob validation fails with no error message if runtime_constraints is nil.
Story points:
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 10 years ago
I tried to submit the following job:
arv job create --job "{\"script\":\"hash\",\"script_parameters\":{\"input\":\"c1bad4b39ca5a924e481008009d94e32+210\"},\"script_version\":\"master\",\"repository\":\"arvados\",\"nondeterministic\":null,\"output_is_persistent\":false,\"runtime_constraints\":null,\"owner_uuid\":\"4xphq-j7d0g-lfabuhbixq4e9lq\"}"
On API server logging, it reports multiple errors:
#<ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Runtime constraints must be a Hash, not a NilClass, Owner uuid '4xphq-j7d0g-lfabuhbixq4e9lq' not found, Script version master does not resolve to a commit>
However, the 'arv' command line only presents the first error:
Error: Runtime constraints must be a Hash, not a NilClass
I haven't looked to see if this is a bug in 'arv' or a bug in API server error reporting.
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 10 years ago
I think this is a bug in "arv" because looking at validation errors in another spot, multiple errors are being returned properly.
Updated by Brett Smith over 10 years ago
Tom, can this bug be closed? I see the first associated branch is merged. Are there sub-bugs still lurking about?
Updated by Ward Vandewege over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved